Chapter 21

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The next morning, Harry woke up a bit early, the sun rays blinding him through the closed curtains. He raised his head only to see Louis sleeping peacefully, eyes closed and hidden behind thick dark lashes. He wished he could have woken up to this sight every morning but his flight was just in a couple hours. He nuzzled his head in the back of Louis' neck, appreciating every last minute he got of his scent and, bringing his lips to the shell of his ear, Harry whispered :

« I love you, sweetheart. »

What he did not know was that, awoken by the warmth of Harry's lips against his skin, Louis had heard every words he had spoken. He felt his heart tighten in his chest, pounding as if it wanted to get out and jump in Harry's hands. He was completely shattered by the declaration. To say he was not aware of Harry's feelings would be a lie but, hearing them out loud, coming out from his own mouth, was something Louis had never expected to make him feel that way. He did not say anything back, remembering Niall telling him Harry was not sure of leaving anymore. He could not take his dream school away from him, his whole happiness. He had walked into his life, too late, and was, now, paying the price of it. Oh, how he would have loved to hold him tight and pepper him with kisses. Instead, he just laid there, his eyes shut, and pretended he had not heard a thing. He felt the warmth of Harry's body leave his side and, unconsciously, a tear rolled down his face.

The hours towards Harry's flight were passing like minutes and minutes like seconds. The two boys were pulling time backwards with all their strength, trying to delay their goodbye but it was right under their eyes. Harry was leaving and they would be broken up, if what they had was even called a relationship. It was now eleven in the morning and Harry's plane was leaving at three which meant he had to leave home in an hour. He was packing up some last minute things while Louis was trying his best to distract himself from watching Harry getting ready to leave, he even asked Anne if he could help her out in the kitchen, under his boy's amused eyes.

Harry was now saying goodbye to his mother and sister. He had insisted on going alone at the airport but Louis could not possibly let that happen. He wanted to enjoy every last second he could have in Harry's company, even though he would never admit it. After tight hugs, tears rolling and numerous kisses, Harry and Louis finally hopped in the car, the two women waving at them under the porch, tears digging into their pink cheeks.

« Are you ready ? Louis asked hoping from the bottom of his selfish heart he was not.
- I guess so. I don't know, really. Am I ?
- There's nothing holding you back, anyway, Louis lies, his jaw clenched to prevent him from crying.
- If you say so. »

Harry looked rather hurt from what Louis said but he hid it the best he could. They drove to the airport, their fingers intertwined as if they never would let go while Louis was rubbing small circles with his thumb against Harry's palm. They drove silently, both a node in their throats. When they parked outside of the airport, none moved. The two boys just stared at this white impersonal building with tired and sad eyes. That was it. The end. Minutes passed and the only sound would be their loud sniffling and the honks of the cars around them.

« Louis ? Harry asked as he let his hands fall down off the wheel.
- Yes ?
- I don't want to go anymore.
- Yes, you do, Louis looked away out the window.
- You don't know that. I'm telling you, I don't wanna go.
- Believe me, you want. You just don't want to say goodbye.
- Just tell me that you want me to stay and I will. »

Louis did not answer him. How could he ? Did he ought to be selfish ? To let Harry's dream fade away for whatever kind of relationship they had ? A billion questions were bugging him while he remained silent, under Harry's questioning eyes.

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