o n e: I'm cool 'cause I've shared the bed with half the school

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I ran my finger trough my brown, mid length hair. I looked into the mirror, seeing that I definitely didn't sleep enough as I saw the dark circles around my navy blue eyes.

I shook my head at my appearance and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water hit my skin.

"Allison, be quick please." My brother, Benjamin Daniels, shouted. Because I was only a junior and he was a senior, he has his driver license and I didn't.

Right, that's me. Alli, short for Allison.

I got out of the shower and put on ripped jeans with a sweater of the volley team.

Yeah, I played volleyball.

I packed my bag and ran downstairs, taking an apple out of the fruitcan and before shouting Bye to my mother.

I got in my brother's car. "We're picking up Riley first."

Riley Steward, Ben's girlfriend. I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

He started the car, driving to her house. He parked his car on her driveway and she was coming out of her house.

Her black hair was in a high ponytail, her dark skin glowing in the morning sun. The shortest skirt you'll ever see, that's what she was wearing.

She definitely was pretty, guess that's what you get when you're cheer captain.

I sighed and leaned back in the passenger seat, looking at my phone. "Hey Alli." She smiled and I nodded once. "Don't mind her, she's just angry at, what was his name again?"

"Elijah Weiner." I scoffed and Benjamin nodded. "Right."

I sighed and put away my phone. "Can we get going? Ethan is waiting." I said and Benjamin nodded. His green eyes scanned me one last time before starting the car again. "Alli, he's an asshole."

I cringed as she used that word. I mean, I swear... a lot.

But Riley swearing is something else. I shrugged and looked outside. "What's you first class?" Ben asked.

"Bio." I scoffed. I never liked anything at school, maybe PE, but that's it. It wasn't like I was dumb, I just didn't like any of it.

"Alli, stop acting like that." Ben sighed and I jerked my head towards him. "You know damn well why I'm acting like this."

My brother flinched as I said it. "Would you not talk about it." He whispered and looked at Riley trough the mirror. She put her hand on his shoulder. "Babe, you can talk about it."

I rolled my eyes, like anyone knew how it felt to loose their dad.

When we finally arrived at school, I quickly got out of the car and slammed the door behind me. I fixed my backpack and gave a small wave to my brother. He walked up to his group of friends, brown hair flowing in the wind.

I noticed that a lot of girls find him attractive.

I huffed and walked up to Ethan. "What's up?" He asked and I shrugged. "Not much. You?"

"I mean, besides having some fun yesterday, nothing." He grinned and I cocked an eyebrow and then realised what he meant. "Gross."

"You never had sex with Elijah?" He asked and I firmly shook my head. "Glad I didn't. By the way, we never dated, only hung out for three months." I confirmed and he shrugged, walking inside with me. "So? Will and I only dated for three weeks."

I scrunched up my nose at the thought of them having...

I was jerked away from my thoughts as Connor Hamilton passed me in the hallway. His curly brown hair swaying as he walked.

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