t w e n t y t h r e e: shut the fuck up

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I sighed as I closed my locker, trying to explain last night to Ethan. "So, why are you upset?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "He literally shouted at me, saying that he's in love, slamming his fist against the window." I said. "Kinda hot." Ethan said and I raised my eyebrows. "Eth, it's scary when a six feet tall guy slams a window, there's nothing hot about it." I sighed, fixing my backpack.

A hand sneaked around my waist and I looked up, meeting twinkling blue eyes. "How was practice yesterday?" Lucas asked. "Same old." I said and he looked at Ethan. "How's Evans? I saw you two at the diner a few days ago."

"Actually, we're gonna hang out tonight, as in a date." Ethan grinned and Lucas gave him a fist bump. "Get 'em."

I laughed and Lucas gave me a brief kiss. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Studying, now that we're on that. Could you come to my house after school, to explain geography?" I asked and he smirked. "Sure thing."

I gasped as I saw Jane and Connor walk into the school. Lucas clearly felt me tense up besides him, so he frowned and pulled me closer. "Are you okay?" He whispered into my ear. "I'm-"

"Alli!" Jane's voice chirped. I got out of Lucas' grip and turned around. "Yeah?"

"I wanted to ask you to go shopping sometime, I mean since my boyfriend thinks you're great, why don't I get to know you then?" She said, taking Hamilton's hand. I briefly looked at him and then back at Jane. "I-"

"Next week?" She asked and Lucas took my hand. "Why don't we make it a double date?" He asked and I wanted to protest, but Jane had already started talking again. "Yeah, oh my God, this will be awesome, right babe?"

Connor shifted next to her. "I mean, I guess so." He mumbled and she smiled brightly. "I'll text you." She said to Lucas. I looked after them as they walked away, processing what had just happened and Ethan chuckled. "You and Connor seemed excited."

"Wait, you don't wanna go?" Lucas asked and I tried to say something. "We can still cancel." He said and I shook my head. "No, I'm good."

This was gonna be bad.


"So what don't you get?" Lucas asked as he opened his own geography book. "I mean, all of it." I said and spun around in my desk chair. "Alli." He said and stopped the chair. "For real, what don't you get?"

I sighed and flipped trough my book, trying the part I really didn't get. "This." I said and pointed at the part. He looked at me and bit the inside of his cheek. "Alright, come on."

After two hours of trying to explain the concept, we walked to my kitchen to eat dinner. "Mom, what are we eating?" I asked and she looked up. "Steak with baked potatoes."

I nodded and sat down next to my brother and Lucas went to sit in front of me. "So, Alli, how was dinner with Connor's parents yesterday?" My mom asked and I noticed Lucas frowning.

Shit I forgot to tell him. "Wait, you had dinner with Hamilton? I thought you couldn't hang out because of practice." He said. "Well, I couldn't, but as you know Hamilton can be a little stubborn and he really wanted to, so he waited at my practice. After that we went to his house to make dinner and I didn't even know I was about to eat with his parents." I explained and Lucas sighed. "Okay, sure."

Ben observed us and took a bite of his baked potatoes. "What about the double date next week? Wait, Hamilton seemed silent today. What happened?"

I almost choked on steak and Ben frowned. "So something did happen? Did you guys have a discussion?"

"Ben, no. We're fine, maybe because Jane is leaving next week?" I said. Benjamin sighed. "No, no, he doesn't care. I mean, he ju-"

"Ben, shut the fuck up, I don't care about Connor." I hissed and his eyes widened. "Whoa, sorry."

"Honey, are you okay?" Mom asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm great." I poked my potatoes and got a frown from Lucas. "Excuse us." He said to my mom and she gave him a small smile before he took my hand and pulled me into the hallway with him. "Now, what really happened?"

I sighed, leaning against the wall. "We just got in a little argument and things got a little tense. That's all. Plus, he and Jane got in fight too yesterday."

"Hey, that's fine, people argue. I'm sure you guys will be fine, because you are close means that every little thing you do or say can effect him." He said and I looked at him. "And don't tell me you don't care about him." He said and pulled me closer. I rested my head against his chest whilst he rubbed my back. "Now, your mom's food is too good to not eat it."

I sighed and we walked back to the kitchen. My mom and brother both looked up. "Hey, Alli, did mom tell you?"

I frowned and my mom motioned me to sit down. "I had a date the other night with a colleague." She said and I licked my lips. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I have a boyfriend and I want you to meet him." She said and I looked at Benjamin. "You knew?"

He shook his head. "I just heard, but it's cool, right?"

"What about dad?" I asked and mom sighed. "Hon, it's been five years and dad would want me to be happy." I nodded. "Yeah, I just hope he's cool, alright."

"He has a son called Thomas." She said and I cocked an eyebrow. "What age?"

"Fourteen I think." She said. "How about I invite them over for dinner Friday night?"

I looked at Lucas, we had arranged a date then. He gave me a small smile. "It's fine, we have the double date anyways."

I nodded. "Sounds good, mom." She smiled.

We finished our food and Lucas and I proposed to clean the dishes. "Your mom seemed happy." Lucas said as he dried a plate. I looked at him. "Yeah, how was meeting Ivy's mom back then?"

"Well, it's been six years, Maria was pregnant already so we couldn't actually really judge." He said and I licked my lips. "Well, he better be a nice guy." I said. "I'm sure he'll be fine, otherwise your mom wouldn't have started dating him."

"I'm happy for her and all, I'm just really gonna have to get used to him being here." I said and he bit his lip. "You get used pretty fast, at least if he's a nice person and you do like him. I hope for you his son isn't that much of an ass." I handed him another plate. "That's nothing I'm worrying about, he's only a Freshman so if he is, he'll probably change over the years."

Lucas nodded. "Yeah, I guess so."

We finished doing the dishes and he had to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said and I planted a kiss on is lips. "Get home safe." I said and he let go off me, walking to his car.

I closed the door as he drove out of my neighborhood. "Lucas is a nice guy." My mom said as I plopped down on the couch, next to her. "Yeah, he is."

"I'm just not sure if he's the right one for you." She said and I sighed. "Neither do I, but he's good for me at this point and we're happy. That's the only thing that matters, right?"

"Yeah, it sure is. He also seems to care about you a lot, like when he excused himself to just talk to you in private, very polite. He really does remind me of his dad, he looks a lot like him in actions." She said.

"Yeah, I hope he doesn't go the same way as his dad." I sighed and she shook her head, looking at me. "No, I don't think so. Dustin did, but he always has had struggles with getting addicted to stuff, even when he was little."

I bit the inside of my cheek. "Well, I'm gonna get to bed, it's pretty late and I have a geography test tomorrow." I sighed and she nodded. "Sleep tight."

I get into my room and grabbed Lucas basketball shirt I still had from the ice coffee incident. I got under the sheets and turned off my light.

Was he the one for me?

Uughhh, life can be hard sometimes wth. I literally am so tired of some people. For God's sake, can't they be mature for once?


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