Chapter 6

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**Author's Note!**

I have two things to discuss with you guys today, the first being, I GOT READS HOLY CRAP!! Sorry, little excited outburst there, I'm good now. Anyway, There's going to be some time skips in this chapter because as much as I am loving writing the early scenes of Victuri, (Victor+Yuri if you didn't know) I'm kind of running out of ideas. Is that stupid? Sorry. So we're moving on to more advanced stages in their relationship. And the third thing, this has nothing to do with the story, it's only bout me, but I just felt like adding it in. If you guys read some of my previous author's notes you'll know that I'm a figure skater as well. Nothing like Victor and Yuri of course, but I can do single jumps. (YAY!) But getting to the point, I  had to take my skates for sharpening last week, and won't get them back until Saturday and  let me tell you I'm. Losing. My. Mind. I feel like I lost a limb, or two technically, but anyway I'm dying without them. Especially because I'm choreographing a short program to Yuri!!! On Ice, and it's hard, and I need to practice it, because I'm trying tot convince my coach to let me use it instead of her program for my solo, but to do that I have to skate it perfectly, which, I am most definitely NOT. Quick background, sorry I know I'm rambling, feel free to skip this, my home rink is The Flyers' Skate Zone, and they're a very hockey oriented rink, meaning they don't give a rat's ass about anything to do with figure skating, and or keeping those skaters alive. (Meaning the ice is kinda shitty and the zamboni will straight up chase you off the ice. But I really don't care because I've been skating there for you, and my coach, works primarily from that rink, not to mention it's close to home. But anyway, she teaches a week long ice skating basics summer camp for kids of all ages. Naturally I'm one of her senior figure skaters in the advanced class, and am way above this and help out with the young ones as a teacher's assistant. I'm doing the camp, A. to help out, and B. to get ice time. Now, I'm finally getting to my point (hallelujah!) at the end of each camp she choreographs a routine for the classes, these include, the precursors to spirals, and backwards skating, dips, etc. But as I'm doing this camp only for the ice time and not for the actual instruction, and as I'm the teaching assistant, she asked me if I was interested in performing A SOLO PROGRAM IN THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!! And, second mini freak out over, thanks for bearing with me! So basically that leaves me here, waiting to get my skates back, itching to get on the ice, and dying to practice my routine. (If I convince my coach, I'll try to get a video of me performing it btw.) So thanks for listening to, or rather reading, my psycho rant, and enjoy the story! ;)

**Time skip,  3 months into the future, if you don't remember, this is 3 months after they returned to Hasetsu.** 

Yuri's POV 3rd Person Omniscient

The alarm went off at 7 am just like he'd set it to the night before. However, Yuri was already up and brushing his teeth. Why you ask? While the alarm was Yuri's, on Yuri's side of the bed, and had been set by Yuri, it's actual function was for Victor. And it was Victor who groaned into his pillow and waved his arm around trying to locate, and further destroy, the interruption of his sleep. Yuri stopped brushing for a second, standing to watching Victor try to murder a pillow. Yuri laughed, choked on his toothbrush, and spat into the sink. Wiping his mouth off on his sleeve, he made his way over to Victor's side to rescue the poor defenseless pillow.  

"Victor!" He said still laughing, "Victor, it's time to get up! We have to go to the airport"

"The airport?" Victor repeated groggily

"The airport, remember?" Yuri said again and when Victor shook his head, tousled hair flying, Yuri took pity on him "You know, we're going to the airport to pick up Yurio! Yuurriioooo," He held out their friend's name in an effort to entice Victor into getting out of bed. On his best days, Victor would be the one getting Yuri out of bed with a steaming breakfast item held inches away from his face, on his worst Victor would take 45 minutes to get up, if he didn't roll over on top of Yuri and immobilizing him causing them both to fall back to sleep for who knows how long. But today Yuri was determined, has the word left his lips Victor's had shot up in the air, Yuri stifled a laugh, Victor really was a puppy! Using this moment of weakness as an opportunity, Yuri grabbed Victor's arms and yanked him out of bed and onto the floor. The resounding crash shook the apartment. "The neighbors are going to be mad." Yuri groaned as he hoisted Victor's upper half into his arms and started to drag him to the kitchen. He did this so casually, after all, it was their morning routine.

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