Chapter 35

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**Author's Note!**

So I think I'm just going to start putting dates at the top so you guys know what day the story is taking place on, if they're over 5 days apart I'll put it in in time skip form. Enjoy!

Yuri's POV 1st Person, Nov. 15th

I wake early the next morning, rising with my alarm. At first I'm confused about why it's gone off, but then I remember, we were supposed to go to training today after getting Victor's brace off. I guess I forgot to cancel it. My eyes burn as I stare at the bright phone screen after my tired fingers finally manage to silence the incessantly irritating buzzing. The clock reads 6:45 am, we'd normally get up at this time before having breakfast and heading to the rink. I haven't been to the rink in a while actually, when Victor first got hurt I stayed the three days with him in the hospital and then didn't want to leave him home alone immediately. I've only ended up going to practice five times since then and let me tell you Yakov is not happy. Victor and I were both so excited to get back on the ice, going from practicing for 6 hours a day every day to none is awful. It feels like I'm missing a limb or something, and I almost itch to be out there in the freezing atmosphere with the ice firm and clear beneath my skates. I guess I won't today though. I'm about to call Yakov and tell him that I don't think I should leave Victor alone after such depressing news but am stopped by a sleepy voice from the shadows. I turn, Victor's sitting up in bed rubbing the sleep from his eyes and looking confused,

"Yuri?" He mumbles, "What is it?" He goes to turn on the bedside lamp but I stop him, 

"It's nothing, go back to sleep, I'll be in in a minute," Victor switches on the lamp anyway and winces from its harsh glare, 

"Why did the alarm go off?" He asks me,

"Nothing important, I just forgot to silence it," I answer quickly, but that apparently doesn't suffice, as the confused look on his face disappears quickly after taking in what I've said. 

"Oh, skating!" He says rubbing his eyes and removing the covers, "Hold on, I'll be up in a minute," I rush to correct him,

"No, no, it's okay, I was just canceling," I hold up my phone with Yakov's contact listed, "Go back to sleep," Victor pauses in the fairly complicated act of standing up, grasping the pillow he's just removed from under his injured knee, about to navigate it to the floor.

"Why would you cancel it?" He says blankly and I evade the question, not wanting to remind him, 

"It won't be an issue, I can go in tomorrow. I'm sure Yakov won't mind," I say, a bold-faced lie if there ever was one and we both know it. Yakov always minds. 

"He will mind," Victor tells me and gingerly places his leg on the ground, wincing at the angle, "And you need to practice, you've barely gone since I fell," He pauses slightly and looks away, gathering himself, "If you're going to win the Cup of China you have to push yourself, Chris is good and I've seen Phichit's Instagram, he's doing very well this year." I nod hesitantly, watching as Victor grabs his crutches and limps with their aid around the bed. I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off before I can even draw breath, "And don't even think about telling me to stay home. I'm not an invalid, and after all, you need your coach." I nod again and mutter something about a shower. 

As the hot water hits my face I begin to think about the conversation we've just had. He seemed normal enough when the topic of skating came up although I can tell it was painful for him to be discussing it. Nevertheless, he still insisted I go and wouldn't take no for an answer regarding him coming along. That's Victor behavior alright, but I know it'll be worse when he's forced to watch us all skating. I just hope it isn't too bad for him.

Yuri!!! On Ice Book 1Where stories live. Discover now