Chapter 31

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**Author's Note!**
200 Reads!!!!!!!!!!! So, in other news, today was my first day back on the ice after a week due to my vacation, and being sick for four days, which I still am! I didn't perform too well, due to the sick thing and the week off ice thing, but I did start working on my camel spin, and that's exciting! Let me tell you it's HARD! It's even worse because I haven't seen my coach in FOREVER for too many reasons to explain, and kind of decided to teach myself this spin. Needless to say it's sloppy, and I can barely go around once, but it's progress! Also, story time! A while back I went to my rink to practice and I saw this girl during the public skate. She was doing a program I recognized, though I wasn't sure from what, and then her coach turned on the music. It was Eros!!! (Yes, Eros in singles, but Eros nonetheless!) It was the coolest thing ever, and we got to talking afterward, and she loves Yuri on Ice too! Anyway today I saw her again and she helped me with my camel spin and gave me some advice on going competitive! Yay!! Sorry, I don't have a clue what this Author's Note is, but oh well. It was fun to write and rant in! Enjoy the story!

Edit: 2/24/20
So initially I didn't put a warning in the beginning of this chapter and I realize now how big a mistake that was! A (not too graphic) scene depicting an injury is featured prominently in this chapter and throughout the rest of the story so sensitive parties be warned! To avoid it stop at the  'I return to reality just as he takes off into his axel.' And resume at the 'I take a seat in the waiting room and stare at my shaking hands as the reality of what happened washes over me.' Sorry if this upset anyone!!

Yuri's POV 1st Person

I sit down in the hockey box, exhausted and panting into my water bottle. It's been three days since I won Skate Canada and Yakov seems to think jet lag is nonexistent. This I do not appreciate, but Yakov is my fiancee's coach, and I guess mine too by extension, so I bend to his will. I think it's good I came back quickly though, I've been landing my jumps well today, and for the life of me I can't figure out why. Maybe exhaustion suits me, it worked in the Cup of China last year. I look up towards the ice, savoring my quick break of being allowed to sit down. I smile slightly to see Victor harassing Yurio and Otabek on the other end of the rink. Poor Yurio looks like he's about to explode, he's never going to live down being in a relationship with someone. He's our son whether he likes it or not and that means we have the right, and extreme will, to torture him, and his partner, however we see fit. And it appears that Victor sees it fit to pinch his cheeks and make hearts with his hands.

"I'll kill you with my knife shoes!" I hear Yurio's scream of fury all the way over here and watch as Otabek gently grabs his arm and tugs him away slightly, dodging a skate. Victor, totally unphased by this death threat, calmly skates away from the pair and glides to the middle. He shoots a quick thumbs up in their direction, which Yurio returns with the wrong finger up, and begins his short program. He's tweaked it slightly since Skate America and now his main combination jump is a quad flip, his signature move, and a triple axel, my signature move. At first I was skeptical of this plan, I mean you have to change the take off foot and the edge you take off from. But of course, Victor being Victor, figured out a way to do it. He did this saying it was a symbol of our love for each other on the ice. And despite my initial reluctance, I find it adorable. I love to watch him perform the combination, though he never has with the rest of the program before.

I rise to my feet and step back out onto the ice after a glare from Yakov, but stop by the wall, intending to watch Victor as a form of procrastination. Not that I don't love watching him, but my ankle hurts. He goes easily through his program and I hold my breath as he enters our combination. I release it quickly as he lands the flip beautifully, and shake my head at myself for being so silly. Victor's been named world's best figure skater five times consecutively, there's nothing to worry about.

Yuri!!! On Ice Book 1Where stories live. Discover now