Chapter 36

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**Author's Note!**

We haven't had an Otayuri chapter is SO LONG! I literally had this idea five minutes ago and kind of love it, and as always; sorry if my writing sucks, lol. Enjoy!

Yurio's POV 1st Person, Nov. 17th, 2017

It's been a few days since the scene at the rink and Victor hasn't been back since. Yuri comes but whenever I start to ask him about it Otabek cuts me off, sending me mental 'shut up,' waves. It's quite annoying actually, but I guess he's right; Yuri would probably end up crying anyway and I don't know if I can voluntarily hug him again. I am worried though, he says almost nothing and has a glazed look on his face whenever I see him, he's never been like this before. But on the other hand, his skating's drastically improved, he's landed every jump he's done and even started working on the quad loop. It's an interesting combination really, you can tell he's undergoing great mental torment but it makes him better on the ice. I wonder if he does better when he's upset, he did break the free skate record last year after arguing with Victor and won Hot Springs on Ice while on the verge of a breakdown. Maybe it's his thing. 


"Bekaaaaaa!" I moan as I drape myself melodramatically over the couch. We'd gotten home from training over an hour ago, and I was currently in the middle of a procrastinated paper for English. I fucking hate Tolstoy.

"What?" He says raising an eyebrow, amused but not looking up from his book. Not satisfied with his low level of interest I scooch myself further up on the couch so my head lies in his lap,

"I'm starving!" I say and I mean it, after a five-hour practice we'd normally have dinner immediately, but my homework was reaching a worryingly high level so I turned down Otabek's offer to go out. Now, having made a formidable dent in it and finding it impossible to focus I've decided that I can afford to take a break for a bit. "I'm going to die of hunger,"

Otabek laughs and lowers his eyes to my head, still in his lap, "You'll survive," He starts to put away his book but I sit up at the wrong moment, accidentally knocking it from his hands, "Yuri! Bad kitty!" He reaches to retrieve it but I dance in front of him, blocking his way. He raises and eyebrow with a don't make me, look on his face but I ignore it. "Okay, you asked for it," He says and picks me up, placing me two feet to the left, out of his way. After marking his page he sets his book gently on the coffee table and turns to me where I impatiently wait two feet away. "You couldn't wait two minutes?" 

"I was dying!" I say in a self-justifying tone, grabbing his hand as we head out the door, "I could feel myself growing weak- my organs dying- my limbs collapsing beneath me!" I raise a hand to my forehead and lean back melodramatically like someone in a soap opera. 

"Dear god shut up," Otabek says, silencing me with a kiss. I grin against his lips and we begin the short walk down the street to our favorite restaurant. 

We have a nice dinner and are on our way back to the apartment when my phone chirps, I check it to find a message from my Instagram. It references my skating, that's nothing new, the Yuri's Angels are constantly obsessing over it. Normally I would just swipe left to silence the alerts but instead, I stop dead in the middle of the sidewalk, a terrible thought dawning on me. 

"Yuri?" Otabek questions, turning around when he realizes I'm no longer with him, "What's wrong?" 

"My skates-" I trail off and my eyes widen as it sinks in, "My skates!" I scream and Otabek looks worried, "I left them at the rink! It's been hours! What if they're gone!" A horrified expression forms on his face, matching my own. We take off as one, sprinting the few blocks from the restaurant to the rink, praying it's still open and my skates are still there. How could I have been so stupid! My prized possession, my career, worth over $1000, I just left them there! What if they're gone, what if someone took them, what would I do! It takes forever to break in new skates and these are custom made! I'm competing in Trophee de France in eight days! If something happened my chances of winning- or even making the podium- are shattered, this can't be happening! 

Yuri!!! On Ice Book 1Where stories live. Discover now