Chapter 16

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Victor's POV 1st Person Omniscient

Before I know I've even started the car, I'm at home, and am running up the stairs to our apartment three at a time. I bound through the door and scream "Yuri!" racing through the relatively tiny house in my eagerness to find him, to show him, to ask him. And then I see him, as I race into the bedroom, propped up in bed, buried under a mountain of covers, Yuri. Face white, yet with a feverish tinge on his cheeks. He's sick. Very sick. Drained of color sick. "Yuri?" I say quietly, and rush to his side, I see our two skating bags packed next to him on the bed, and see that he's wearing a scarf. He did what I said, "Yuri!" I repeat, very worried now, he's sick? When did he get sick? This morning he didn't seem sick-oh. Actually, he coughed, he's been coughing these past few days but I just.... didn't notice. I feel terrible. Here I am running around arranging a ridiculous extravagant surprise for someone without noticing that they were sick. And how sick they were. "Yuri!" I beg, grabbing his hand, why isn't he answering?! 

"V-victor?" He says weakly, as his eyes flutter open and he smiles at me. Thank god.  I inwardly breathe a sigh of relief, I was about to seriously start panicking if he didn't respond soon. "I'm sorry," He starts, "I was just taking a quick nap, that's all. I'm ready to go, the bags are packed." Yuri says moving to get out of bed, I stop him. 

"No, no that's okay. Stay in bed," I reply quickly pushing him gently back down, and lifting the two bags from beside him onto the floor.

"But, we were going to go out-?" Yuri says, obviously confused,

"No, we're not going to do that anymore," I say softly, "You're sick, we're going to stay inside, just you and me." I smile at him and see the disappointment in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, you were so excited... I screwed up." Yuri says quietly, tears running down his face. My head snaps up, and I shake it vigorously,

"No, Yuri, it's okay, it's okay, it's not your fault! I kept leaving the door open, and you had to go get the car, I should have done that! You're not used to this weather, it's enough to get anyone sick, it's my fault! Mine not yours!" I grab his hands and pull him into a strong embrace, while he cries into my shoulder. I'm so sorry Yuri, I repeat over and over again, I'm so so sorry. 


After an hour of me apologizing over and over, trying to console him, trying to explain there's nothing for me to forgive and that he's just delirious and not thinking straight, Yuri finally falls into a fitful restless sleep. I take this time to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do now. I was an only child, and wasn't often sick, and when I was I wasn't exactly in the position I'm in now. I don't know what to do. Yuri completely broke down, I hate seeing him like this. So upset there's no consoling him. I'm bad with crying people as it is, and when it's Yuri it's ten times harder because seeing him like that makes me want to cry too. I can't stand it. I get on my phone to google what to do for a fever when I'm reminded why he's like that in the first place. I have 9 missed calls from Mila, 6 from Yakov, 3 from Edgar, and 12 from Yurio. I return Mila's call first and guiltily explain what's going on, she's really nice about it and promises to tell the others, I feel so awful. The second call to Edgar goes similarly, he's not mad, and tells me to focus on Yuri, and we'll do it all some other time. Way to screw up. I then get on google and look up what to do for a fever and chills. I follow it's directions, and find the thermometer to take his temperature, Why the hell didn't I think of that? It reads 101.4, and apparently doesn't require a doctor, although if it doesn't break for 48 hours then one should be called. I make a cold compress and fill a glass with orange juice to bring up to Yuri. Apparently he needs a lot of hydration. I feel like a moron. I also run out to the corner store and buy a pack of lollipops and popsicles, google says it helps the cough. When I get back I go to put the popsicles in the freezer before going up to check on Yuri, to my horror I find him in the kitchen. I put the popsicles down on the table,

"Yuri, what are you doing out of bed?" I ask, he turns to face me, and mumbles that he needed a glass of water. I go into the cabinet and pull out a glass, filling it with water. I hand it to Yuri, and he downs the whole thing, and after being asked if he wants another shakes his head. He then says something in Japanese that I can't hear. "What did you say?" I ask him quietly, 

"I want to go home!" Yuri says, crying now, I suck in a breathe, and take his arm, leading him upstairs.

"It's okay, Yuri. It's okay. You are home," I say, trying to make him feel better to no avail.

"I want Victor!" Yuri says, crying even harder, and it takes all the self control I have not to cry with him,

"I am Victor!" I say to him, I take his chin gently in my hand and turn it so he faces me, "Look, at me I am Victor, I'm right here, I'll always be right here," I say soothingly, as I tuck him back into bed. 

"How do I know that?" Yuri asks me, looking up with tear filled eyes, and I can't do it any more, mine fill with tears too, "How do I know you won't leave me?" The tears fall.

I smile at him through watery eyes and say "Because I'll never leave you Yuri! I'll never leave you I promise!" 

Yuri gulps and whispers, "But how do I know?"

"I know how you know." I say, smiling, "You want to know too?" Yuri nods, "Because, I kneel down beside the bed taking both his hands in mine and ask "Will you marry me?" 

Yuri sobs harder than ever and nods vigorously, "Yes!" He says through the tears. "Yes." I move onto the bed, and hug him close to me, vowing that I'll never let go. We just sit there for a while, crying quietly, and eventually he falls asleep. I slowly try to extricate myself, but he grips me with his arm encircling my waist, as if begging me not to go. So I don't. I stay. And I fall asleep. Wrapped in Yuri's arms.

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