Chapter 28

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**Author's Note!**

So, I'm having small scale issues with the story from here until after an event takes place because until it takes place the chapters don't have any major content.... Fun. Hopefully I get an inspiration and find some interesting things to add in besides the slightly bare plot points. Any who, there will be two time jumps in this chapter, so be ready! I tried to incorporate them into the story to the best of my abilities, so now let's see how good my abilities are! Lol. Enjoy!

Yuri's POV 1st Person

We spend the five months before the skating season begins practicing like crazy, me more so than anyone else, I will win this Grand Prix and marry Victor! No earthly force can stop me. Well, maybe Yurio, but I'll be damned if I let him take my trophy twice! The time passes in a flash and before I know it it's October 1st and we're getting our assignments. We all wait off the ice in the training room, tension in the air. The assignments for the series determine if you can win against your opponents, and that decides if you can qualify for the Grand Prix. The clock reads 7 pm, normally practice would have just ended and we'd be on our way home, but not today, today, and today only, Yakov stresses, we come off the ice early and await our fate. That may seem a bit dramatic, but this really is very important.

"Assignments!" Mila announces excitedly from her position at the laptop. We all crowd around trying to get a look at the small screen, "Fuck off!" Mila yells batting us all away, "I'll read it out! Jeez, you big babies," She glances down, "Okay, Victor, Georgi, you're Skate America. Otabek you're in Skate Canada with Yuri..." she scans the computer screen, "Yurio, you're Trophee de France and the Rostelecom Cup, Victor, you're in the Rostelecom cup as well. Chris, Yuri, you two are in the Cup of China, Otabek, Georgi you're both in the NHK trophy, ooh, sorry so's Anya. And I'm in the NHK trophy and Trophee de France." She looks up, smiling, "Everyone got that?" We all nod, and Georgi leaves the room quickly, obviously upset about seeing Anya again. Everyone starts talking about the events they've been delegated but I turn away, trying to get it straight in my head. So, Victor's in the first event, Skate America, and the sixth, The Rostelecom Cup with Yurio. And I'm in the second event, Skate Canada, and the third, The Cup of China. That'll be hard, but I think I can work with it.

"Yuri!" I'm pulled out of my thoughts by my fiancee's excited voice, "We're not in anything together!" He pouts, but then grins, "Maybe it's for the better though, I would have beat you after all." I raise an eyebrow at him,

"Yeah, keep dreaming," look innocently up at him, "I'll be taking your title this year. The Grand Prix Final is mine," Victor opens his mouth to respond but a voice cuts in,

"No! The Final and the Cup are mine!" I look around to find Yurio staring at us insolently, "Don't think I'll drop the ball after my first senior division win." 

"You won't be 'dropping the ball.' " Victor retorts smoothly, "But last year I wasn't in the competition, so this time it'll be a lot harder. I'll win the Grand Prix and the Rostelecom, just you wait." Before Yurio can let loose a stream of swears he's interrupted by Yakov.

"Vitya, stop," He turns to face Yurio, who slinks away to stand near Otabek, muttering under his breath. "As you foolishly decided not to compete last year you didn't place, meaning you can't get into the series automatically." Victor stares at him blankly and I'm surprised by his confusion, wasn't he expecting this? "You have to go through a qualifying tournament to get in." Yakov elaborates, "The Nikolai Panin Memorial Championship, you need a gold to get into the series."

"Like when I had to do the Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Championship last year." I add, and Yakov nods, but Victor still looks slightly puzzled,

"But I won my last Grand Prix." He murmurs slowly, "Can't I just get in?" He looks up and I roll my eyes, endeared but irritated by his lack of practicality.

Yuri!!! On Ice Book 1Where stories live. Discover now