Chapter 13

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**Author's Note!**

So until Victuri, (I don't feel like actually using their names, they go by a ship name now lol) move to St. Petersburg, I'll be doing jumps between them and Otayuri (I know, I know) and those two separate plot lines. Enjoy!

Yurio's POV 1st Person Omniscient

As our plane from Hasetsu finally lands and we depart into the airport proper to reclaim our luggage it hits me, Otabek's moving in with me! Okay, he's not moving in with me, he's only staying with me until he finds an apartment, but still! We make our way over to baggage claim B, and it is fucking B this time, and I sneak a glance over at him, striding along side me. I can't wait to show him Russia! Sure, he's been here before, but this time he's staying, which means I get to show him all the best spots for coffee, or to get your skates sharpened!

"Yuri?" He verbally shakes me out of my thoughts. "Isn't that your bag?" Otabek says, pointing at a leopard print case moving past me on the conveyor belt.

"Shit!" The bag moves quickly along it's track, and there are lots of people in my way, so as I follow it, dodging as I go, the distance between us grows further and further. And just as it's about to disappear behind the black curtain to the baggage unloading room, whatever the hell they call that, I jump onto the track and snatch it off, just in time! As I swing the case triumphantly to the ground and hop down myself I feel eyes on me. Many eyes. I look around and find the whole room watching me with looks of What the hell does he think he's doing? on their faces. I look at Otabek, who has followed behind me calmly during my crazy dash along the conveyor belt, he just says

"You know it's on loop right?" He points a finger to another black curtain a few feet away where the small blue suitcase just in front of where mine was is re-emerging and being claimed by it's owners. I blush pink, and just mutter a small,

"Whatever," and hurry off to get away from the crowd gawping at my ridiculous actions. We exit the airport and call a taxi, Otabek's bike was being delivered tomorrow afternoon, so this will have to do for now. I give the driver my, or our, address, and we speed along the freeway towards home. Home! I look toward Otabek and feel a rush of unknown emotions hit me like a tidal wave, it's like I'm on that carnival ride where you're on boat that swings back and forth, up and down, and your stomach swoops every time. I can't decide if I love or hate that feeling. As we pull up alongside my apartment building, I pay the driver and he speeds off into the night. I turn to Otabek and say, for the first time ever "Welcome home." I quickly lower my head when I realize how stupid this sounds, but Otabek just smiles at me, oblivious to the idiotic thing I'd said, and starts over to the door. "Here, let me." I say, brushing past Otabek as I slip my key card inside the slot next to the lobby door. I live in one of those buildings where you need a key card, or to be buzzed in to get inside. "We'll have to get you one of these." I continue "I'll fill out a form in the morning, and see about making you a copy of the door key." We climb the stairs and eventually reach apartment 676, I turn the key, slide the door open, and walk inside. I mentally kick myself, Look at the state of this place! I scold. Before I left I'd told Paula, my housekeeper, to take the week off as I'd be in Japan and wouldn't need her services. Boy was that a mistake. Dishes lay all over the place, unwashed of course, dirty laundry is strewn haphazardly around, and my shit is lying all over the floor. I hurry in, trying to block the view from Otabek with my small frame, and begin gathering stuff up, trying to appear nonchalant and carefree about the whole thing while burning on the inside. Otabek shuts the door behind us, and walks in, to my horror, he begins to pick things up as well, helping me! "No! I'll take those!" I virtually shriek as I run forward to tug a few stray articles out of his hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Otabek says quickly, backing up slightly, "I shouldn't have messed with your stuff."

I freeze, "No! I didn't mean it like that!" I say, tripping over my words in my haste to make my intentions clear to him "I just meant, it's my shit, and you shouldn't have to deal with it, especially jet lagged and just back from Japan... What a great first impression of the place you must have." I explain, but divulge into muttering to myself, What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?!!

"Yura," Otabek starts, gently pulling the pile of stuff from my hands and carefully replacing it on the floor, "It's 2 am in Japan, and we're both exhausted, how about we deal with the mess tomorrow?" I look up into his deep brown eyes, and nod, still feeling the blush in my cheeks. I kick the crap out of my way and make a path to the bedroom. Thankfully, the bed isn't covered in yet more debris. I turn to see Otabek attempting to wheel his case through the maze of junk and tentatively nudging a pile of books and magazines to the side with his toe. I kick them roughly aside, and help him drag his bag through. Beating the shit out of my stuff as I do, careful Otabek's remains unharmed. I finally stop and set the suitcase softly on the bed, although I do dip slightly as I pick it up, underestimating it's weight. Otabek smiles at me, and I turn scarlet, for the 71st time tonight and say, "So, um, you don't have a bed yet, and I'm not exactly the type to have a trundle in the closet like those lovesick morons back in Japan, so you take the bed and I'll take the couch. Okay?"

Otabek immediately starts to protest saying, "But I'm the guest!" But I cut him off remarking,

"Look, you're too tall for the couch! I'm smaller than you! I'll fit better, plus you are the guest which means you do what I, the host, say."

Otabek laughs and gives in "Okay, I concede, but tomorrow, you get the bed! It's only two inches after all." We say our good nights and I go back out to the living room and clear the stuff off the couch. I plop down the pillow and blanket I grabbed from my room and begin to change into my pajamas, but stop when I remember that my pajamas are in my room, with Otabek. I tiptoe back to the door and peek inside, Otabek is sleeping softly in my bed, after all it has been a good ten minutes since I started work on the couch.

"Shit." I curse under my breath as I sneak back to the living room, I can't get to my back up pajamas in my room, and the alternative would be to sleep in boxers, but with Otabek here I am NOT going to do that, which means I can only- No! I can't! What if he sees me! I chew on my lip, facing my conundrum, If I got up really early.... he wouldn't see... I reason with myself, and finally the need for sleep wins over and I change. For the second time, pulling on the fuzzy warm onesie, I curl up under the blanket, and my last thoughts before going to sleep are I like this thing...

Yuri!!! On Ice Book 1Where stories live. Discover now