Chapter 12

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**Author's Note!**

Okay so I'm stupid, I've been thinking Yurio is a year older than he actually is, and apparently with this past birthday he would've turned 16, not 17 the way I wrote. Oops! So, let's just pretend he turned 16 instead... he he..... Back to the story! Enjoy!

Yuri's POV 1st Person Omniscient

I'm lying on the floor of my bedroom. Not doing anything. Just lying. On the floor.                     Yurio and Otabek left yesterday, I wish they could've stayed longer but Yurio found an early flight back to St. Petersburg, and was eager to help Otabek move in. I don't mind them leaving entirely, but I do wish I could've asked Yurio what was going on between them, but it's not like he would have told me anyway. I drove them to the airport yesterday and saw them off, Victor couldn't come, apparently he had some important phone call with Yakov he couldn't miss. I assume it's Yakov dragging him back to Russia.  The reason being that just after Victor announced his return to figure skating as a competitor and coach we were asked by the media where we would live. I answered Russia, because that was where Yakov was as well as where Victor's primary dwellings were located. Whereas Victor answered Hasetsu because he assumed I'd want to stay. We went back and forth for awhile, but eventually landed on Russia. So why aren't we in Russia right now? A little over two weeks ago Victor and I rented our current apartment in Japan, as a trial run to see what living together would be like. We were pretty sure it would be fine, but wanted to check just in case, after all if it didn't work out it would be difficult for me to move back to Hasetsu, again. So that brings us back to the present time. Me lying on my floor. It's not as complicated as it sounds actually, yesterday, after the airport, we went to Ice Castle to work on our programs some more. I was doing an RFI Spiral into a quad flip combination to try out Victor's choreography. I didn't land the flip right, and although I'm fine, I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. I probably pulled a muscle in my back, but I don't want to mention anything to Victor, he'd forbid me from practicing for a week, and I don't want that to happen. Anyway, I'd heard lying on the floor helps your back so that's what I'm doing. 

Right now Victor's in the kitchen making breakfast. At first, being the disaster in the kitchen he was, when Victor asked me to teach him how to cook I was hesitant. I started him out on something easy, from a boxed mix, pancakes. I made him practice over and over, and study the pancakes that died, but two days later he could successfully make an edible pancake. That's it though. He wanted to learn how to do bacon as well, but I forbade him from touching anything having to do with raw meat. "Yuri!" His voice broke me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see him staring curiously down at me. "What are you doing?" He asked, poking my shoulder with his foot. 

"I, am...." I said quickly, pausing when I realized I couldn't think of a valid excuse. "I pulled a muscle in my back yesterday, I was trying out the floor as a healing method." I said glancing up at him. 

"Yuri! What were you thinking! While that may not seem like a serious injury, to a figure skater it could mean the world! How could you not tell me?" Victor said sternly, he took my health and safety very seriously, and I couldn't help smiling slightly at the look of concern on his face. 

"I'm sorry." I said, and watched his face soften into a smile."Um, Victor?" 

"Yes, Yuri?" 

"Where are the pancakes?"

"Shit! дерьмо!" Victor cried and raced back into the kitchen with me on his heels. The griddle was on fire with a charred black hunk of pancake at the center of the blaze. I grabbed the metal device and tossed it into the sink, turning the water on as I did so. 

"I am never letting you cook again!" I said, staring Victor in the face, with my hands on my hips. He kissed me. "You can only cook with supervision." I amended. 

He laughed, "Sorry I killed breakfast."

"That's okay. How do you feel about eggs?" I ask as I turn to open the fridge, "Later we can go out and buy a new griddle." I say as I survey the black metal square in the sink, it has a large crater in the center and is smoking slightly. "I wonder is we have any red onion, and avocado, with cheese," I muse as I paw through our vegetable drawer. "That would be a good omelet."

"Ah, ah ah," Victor says, grabbing my arm and turning me to face him. "You need to rest your back, sit down!" He says with a smile,

"What about breakfast?" I ask, laughing as I get pushed into one of our kitchen chairs.

"I'll do it!" Victor says excitedly, grabbing the ingredients I mentioned in addition to the eggs.

"Have we forgotten about the great pancake massacre of 2017?" I ask skeptically.

"Look," Victor argues, "You're sitting right there, and will be watching me the whole time, just tell me what to do!" He says with an I'm going to win here  look on his face.

"Alright," I sigh, hoping he doesn't kill the frying pan too, " First we need 6 eggs cracked,- I'll do that," I say grabbing the egg carton from his hands, and reaching for a bowl, "Egg cracking takes precision. I'll crack four, you can try cracking two. Watch me first." I say as he leans over my shoulder, watching me deftly crack the eggs into the bowl. "Your turn." I say, he comes up beside me and takes one egg, he cracks it inexpertly into the bowl, shattering the yolk. He grabs another, to the same result. At least there's no shell in there. I whisk the eggs together, and cut up the avocado and onion, while he grates the cheese. Once that's finished I talk him through the rest of the omelet making process. 

"Ta da!" Victor says proudly as he shows me a sloppily made omelet on a plate, setting his down in front of his chair. 

"Good job!" I praise him, and take a bite, Oh! I think, inwardly grimacing, He added the avocado too soon, it appears to have...melted? I'll add some garlic salt. That always helps.  I pour a generous amount onto my remaining eggs, and it brightens it quite nicely. I glance over at Victor, he's eating his happily, oblivious to the liquefied avocado. I take his hand, I wouldn't give this up for the world.

**Author's Note!**

So, yeah, nothing really happened in this chapter, but it was fun writing it so I don't really care lol! Also, since this is after the GPF, and the origional anime was created in 2016, that puts this in 2017, but don't worry, I'm making this up to date to 2019!

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