Chapter 38

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**Author's Note!**

Sorry if the last chapter sucked! I went on and off writing it for like two weeks haha. As I type this I sit in my English class while I'm *supposed* to be working on my Great Depression Narrative that's due TODAY. Oh well, I choose to do this instead. I hope this chapter ends up better than the last, and sorry if the Victuri drama is killing you. It'll yield results. Notice how I carefully avoided using any informative adjectives in that sentence- I'm sneaky like that. Also, just so you know; I will now be spelling Yuri Katsuki as Yuuri and keeping Yurio as Yurio, occasionally spelled as Yuri but only when in Otabek's POV. If this is confusing for you I'm really sorry. Try to infer from the context and if that doesn't work I may have just screwed up. I'm human, it happens. Good luck! Enjoy!

November 21st, Just after the Last Chapter took place

Phichit's POV 1st Person

I wave as Yuuri enters the rink- late. He gives me a small wave in return and walks to my side, skates in hand. "It's been too long!" I give him a hug, smiling widely, "How've you been? We've hardly talked lately,"

Yuuri smiles back, returning my hug but obviously with something distracting him, "Sorry about that, I've had a lot on my mind,"

"Everything okay?" I ask him, assuming he's talking about his fiancee, "Is Victor alright? I heard about what happened, it really sucks,"

"Yeah it does," Yuuri agrees, "But is he alright? Isn't that the question," I give his shoulder a sympathetic pat,

"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fine. You two were made for each other and Victor's a living legend, nothing can keep him off the ice for long,"

"That's what I hope," He says darkly and starts to say something then seems to think better of it, shutting his mouth quickly.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" I remind him gently, but he speaks at the same moment,

"I think I left my water bottle upstairs, I'm just going to go grab that," He starts to go but I pull him back,

"I'm always here, just in case," I say, giving his shoulder a squeeze. He smiles, 

"Thanks," He detaches himself gently, "I'll be right back," I watch his retreating figure as he leaves the room; there's something wrong I know it. I've known Yuuri for ten years, and we were roommates for three; I can tell when he's hiding something. We've been best friends for so long it's a mark of how serious this must be for him not to mention it; escaping at the first sign of the topic. It must have to do with Victor, I know that for sure. He's the most likely thing that Yuuri's upset over. And a skating injury like his? Those are hard to handle, even in the best of times. 

I'm still pondering Yuuri's actions when I'm jerked out of my thoughts by the voice of none other. "You don't know that!" Yuuri's voice sounds from across the hall. "You can't just give up!" My eyes are drawn to where I assume he must be, every other skater's right along with me. "You're sabotaging yourself before you even have a chance!" I know what this is about now, or at least, I can make an educated guess. 

I don my skate guards and leave the ice, making my down the hallway through a swarm of excited reporters. I pause just beyond the curve of the hall, out of sight of the door but definitely within earshot. 

"I don't have a chance!" I flinch as Victor's angry voice reaches me and a wave of protectiveness for my best friend washes over me. Since when does Victor act like this? He's been devoted to Yuuri ever since I first saw them together before the Cup of China. They weren't even together then and still, he was obviously in love with him. He's never raised his voice before, apologizing profusely if he even thinks he's seemed brisk. I know he's going through something just from the tiny amount Yuuri's confirmed but this isn't someone I've ever seen before. 

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Yuuri yells, echoing my thoughts exactly "The Victor I know would never give up! The Victor I know would never stop trying!" It kills me to hear how close to collapse he sounds and years of experience have taught me that he's desperately trying to hold it together. 

"The Victor you knew died a long time ago!" And a bang echo from the room, followed by a deafening silence. Then, a forced calm voice pervades it, more emotionless than I thought possible in the current situation, especially from its speaker.

"I need to get back to practice. If you need me, I'll be in the rink." Yuuri speaks firmly and I hear the door creak open, Yuuri flying by me and around a corner; away from the prying eyes of the press. I hesitate for a second, not wanting to push in on his grief, but change my mind; he needs a friend right now.

I move slowly around the corner and find Yuuri; his back to me and head in his hands, shoulders shaking slightly. I stand next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. We stay there for a while, Yuuri gathering himself as he falls apart and me consoling him gently. "Is there anything I can do?" I ask him quietly, my eyes filling with concern. He shakes his head,

"No," He says softly, "I don't even know what I can do anymore." He runs a hand over his face and trains his eyes on the floor. 

"But, surely, Victor will come around eventually, if you can just talk to him, make him see what he's doing to the people around him." Yuuri's eyes snap up, suddenly very serious.

"Don't mention this to him." He says and the severity in which he does takes me by surprise, "He's the one going through something, I'm just being silly, I'm fine."

"You're not, please don't lie," I tell him, "This is overwhelming for anyone, you're not being silly."

"I can do this," He says determinedly, "He's always supported me whenever I broke down- he's been the strong one. Well, now it's my turn. I'll be the pillar of strength for him to lean on until he can stand on his own again." I shake my head slightly,

"Yuuri, that's not how this works. This isn't black and white, there isn't strong or weak, there's no one or the other. You don't need to be unflinching in the face of all this- humans flinch."

"Yes, they do," He agrees, "And this was me flinching- it won't happen again." I look at him helplessly, struggling to find an argument he might take in place of his flawed logic. "Look, I'm okay now," He says, taking advantage of my silence, "Let's go out there and win a medal- okay?" He smiles at me softly, reassuring me of all things. Yuuri sets off back to the rink for the practice session and I follow him- if I can't convince him right now the least I can do is support him through this madness.


November 23rd, Two days later, after the Exhibition Skate (The top 3 skate special programs)

Phichit's POV 1st Person

And win he does, both the short and free programs. I take second, beating Chris by a hair. A fact he's highly annoyed by. I don't mind not winning however, Yuuri deserves his medal. He skated better than I've seen from him yet, perfect technique and so much emotional interpretation in his program. It seems that under great distress his performance anxiety evaporates, leaving him too preoccupied to accidentally undermine his skating.

Victor came down to join us in the rink as we competed, but from what I saw, didn't say a word to anyone, least of all Yuuri. He even brushed off Chris's many attempts at companionship, blatantly dismissing his best friend. After the medal ceremony, he disappeared, however, skillfully maneuvering around the cameras clamoring for an interview. 

I said goodbye to Yuuri shortly after the Exhibition skate; the two of us heading off to different airports to board different planes to destinations over 3,000 miles away from each other. I hope everything goes well for him. I hate that we're so far away; I won't be able to help him if he needs me. He does reassure me however that they'll be fine, and that he'll see me in the Final. I just hope that's true, and that their relationship fixes itself before then.
I didn't have the heart to remind him that yesterday was their anniversary. 

Yuri!!! On Ice Book 1Where stories live. Discover now