Chapter 4

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Yuri's POV 1st Person
As Victor and I sit on the hotel steps in the moonlight together there's a sort of, peace. Nothing needed, nothing expected, everything as it should be. At one point I wondered if he wanted to go back inside to the banquet, it's the kind of thing he loves after all, but as I turned to ask him he had the most peculiar look on his face. A sort of melancholy contentment? Not quite. A bit like, he was very happy and very sad st the same time, there were tears running down his face too. Although as far as I could tell there was nothing obviously wrong at the moment.
"Victor?" I asked quietly "Are you alright?" He turned to me and I my hand caressed his face, my thumb on his lower lip. The tears slid down and rested in my palm as I gently pulled his face close, too close to mine. I took a breath and our lips met, and it was the first time all over again. The first time I saw him on TV, the first time I saw him skate, the first time I met him, the first time I kissed him. And it was a fantasy, that same fantasy I'd had since I was 12. But it wasn't, I'd been watching him on TV skating for years, I'd met him in person 2 years ago, I'd kissed him only a month prior, but it was new. And perfect. And the only thing that was new about it was that it was real, so totally real I still couldn't quite believe it was happening. Victor was mine. He was mine, all mine, after so many years of being in love with him, of wishing hoping, praying that one day I'd meet him on the same ice, he was here. And we were all alone on that ice. We broke apart, after an eternity, a blissful eternity, we broke apart.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Victor said with a small smile. I knew that couldn't be true, Victor didn't often cry without a reason, but he didn't have to tell me. Not yet anyway. Yuri noticed Victor's cheeks had turned a low pink, it could have been the cold, Yuri reasoned, but it was far more likely that Victor was just as uncomfortable with his own crying as he was with others'.

"I have an idea." I said suddenly "A wonderful idea! Come on!" I said pulling Victor to his feet.
"Yuri! Where are we going?" Victor said laughing, all traces of tears gone, "Why are we heading back to the room? Yuri!"

I laughed at his confusion "That  doesn't matter right now, just follow me!" We raced back up the 4 flights of stairs up to our room, and arrived out of breath and laughing. We stumbled through the doorway and fell onto the bed. I got up at once though, "Victor, go get changed- into something warm!" I commanded as he got up from the bed as well.

"Aye Aye Captain!" Victor mock bowed as he headed to the closet in the corner. "Does this work?" He asked holding up jeans and a light sweater.

"No jeans, the sweater's okay though, with a T-Shirt." I replied disappearing with my clothes into the bathroom. As the door clicked shut behind me I took out my phone and placed a call.

"Hello?" Phichit answered


Yuri and Victor walked into the darkened rink Phichit had arranged to be opened especially for them. Yuri never knew how he managed these things, he just- did. He found the conservatory student who composed Yuri On Ice, and he used his connections to open the rink. There's a reason ever since Victor left he's the fan favorite. 

"Yuri, can I take this off now?" Victor whined, tugging at the blindfold he had forced him to wear.

"No, don't even think about it!" Yuri said imperiously, "I won't have the surprise be ruined!"

"The surprise was already ruined, we're in an ice rink," Victor chuckled, but as Yuri opened his mouth in a gasp he was cut off, "I always know Yuri, I can smell the ice."

"You can't 'smell the ice.' We're not even on the ice yet!" Yuri groaned exasperated,

"I absolutely can, and also..."

"What?" He nearly shrieked,

"And.... this is a shitty blindfold. I can see everything!" Victor laughed as he whipped off the scarf Yuri'd tied so carefully around his head. "How do you think I could walk so easily?" Upon seeing the crestfallen look on Yuri's face he roared with laughter, but subdued quickly as he saw he was genuinely upset. "Look, it's okay, it's still amazing! And how you opened the rink I'll never know." Victor said grabbing Yuri's hands with a genuine smile on his face. "This is a perfect first date." He said earnestly.

"How?" Yuri said despairingly

"Because." Victor said simply, "I'm with you." And with that he threw his arm around Yuri and steered him onto the rink. 


They skated for hours, almost without doing any tricks, except for Victor who insisted on doing his signature quad flip. "It's just so much fun!" He cried after landing it. Yuri chuckled lightly, his boyfriend, the preening peacock. 

It was 3 am when Yuri checked the time after they went back to the hotel room. Victor fell into bed immediately, being exhausted by the day's, well, night's events while Yuri changed into his pajamas and brushed his teeth. Only after doing all of that Yuri noticed the problem, more precisely, the problem of which bed Victor had fallen into. Yuri's. Before that night Yuri would have just shrugged and gotten into the trundle. But Victor happened to be a messy sleeper, meaning the trundle's covers were scattered all over the floor, and Yuri was too tired to feel like picking them all up and remaking the bed, who's pillow had disappeared. So, with a yawn Yuri got into the other side of the bed and fell asleep. 

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