Chapter 30

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**Time Jump to Just after the Free Skate of Skate America**

Yuri's POV 1st Person

As the music finally comes to an end I freeze in my final pose. For a second nothing, a hushed silence, then the crowd erupts. Applause, shouts and screams, people calling my name, the noise is deafening. But I don't hear any of that, I only hear one thing. My heartbeat. 

I sink down onto the ice, on my hands and knees, panting from my performance. Slowly my heartbeat subsides and at last I can hear again, and one voice rises above the din to catch my attention. "Yuri!" It's Victor, I rise to my feet, waving to the audience with a smile painted on my face, and then take off, rushing towards my fiancee's embrace. The second I step off the ice I'm engulfed in a hug, Victor's strong arms around me as he pulls me to him. "You were incredible!" He gushes, "I've never seen you skate so well! It was easily your best performance yet! It was perfect! You're perfect!" He kisses me and I can feel his smile, "What were you thinking about while you were skating?" He questions as he pulls away and we slowly begin walking toward the kiss and cry.

"Um," I pause for a second, not sure how to answer his question, "I don't know," I say honestly, and smile slightly, "My mind went blank while I was out there, it was pure muscle memory. No conscious thought." I let myself turn pink for a moment as I stare at our hands intertwined, "But if I had to take a guess," I say softly, "You." 

Victor looks up and our eyes meet. A warm smile spreads across his face as he sits down with me in the kiss and cry, "I love you," He whispers to me

"I love you too," I whisper back and there's a small quiet moment between us before the scores are announced. Victor's eyes are drawn back to the screen as the announcer calls something I don't make out overhead. 

"Yes!" Victor screams and I jump, staring at the screen as well, and I see immediately why he yelled. "227!" Victor yells at no one in particular, shaking me hard, "227.97! That makes your final score 337! You won! Yuri, you won!" I stare at him, disbelieving, Me, I won? Me?

"I won," I say slowly, testing the words on my lips, and finally a smile spreads across my face as it sinks in, "I won!" I jump up and hug Victor, savoring this small press free moment, "I can't believe it! I won! Oh my god!" We dance around like idiots as we shout random things in delight. It takes a good few minutes before we calm down, and once we have, Victor looks at me, something dawning on him.

"Yuri," He starts, looking exasperated and incredulous at the same time, "You beat my record. Again." I follow his eyes to the monitor to see my 227 blinking down at us. "It's really irritating when you do that," Victor says with a hint of a smile on his face, "Now I have to go and break it again."

I grin cheekily back at him, "Well," I start, "You could just leave it that way and not break it." His eyes widen and he shakes his head vigorously. I nod back, smiling, "Yeah, you could! You know, it's not really worth the effort because I'm going to beat you in the Grand Prix anyway..." I trail off and this elicits a reaction from him.

"No way!" He cries and smacks me playfully on the arm, "I am so going to win!"

"No, I'm going to win,"

"No I'm going to-" Our ridiculous argument is cut off by a shout from a duo heading our way.

"Pig!" Yurio yells as he marches into view, dragging Otabek behind him, "How dare you!" 

"Yurio, you're here?" I'm surprised and confused to see the furious blond teen, "I thought you were in Russia training,"

"No! I'm here!" He spits angrily and Otabek turns red, looking like he wishes he could disappear, a feeling with which I can sympathize, "How dare you!" He repeats and I'm at a loss for what he's talking about. "This is ridiculous! You're program was mediocre at best and Beka's was perfect-"

Yuri!!! On Ice Book 1Where stories live. Discover now