Chapter 32

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**Author's Note!**

And, for your viewing pleasure, an Otayuri chapter!

Otabek's POV 1st Person

It's been a few days since Victor's accident on the rink, and needless to say, everyone's pretty shaken up by it. I think Yuri is in particular, my Yuri that is, but he's the only person here I'm really close to so I'm probably just missing everyone else's reactions. Anyway, it's been a few days and it's Sunday, so we're off practice, which is a huge relief let me tell you. One thing we forgot when we all skipped practice that day- Lilia, she didn't go to Victor's qualifier so she let Yakov in on our little secret. Needless to say, he was less than pleased and ever since he's been working us into the ground, and yes, I mean the ground. We've tunneled right through the ice, the building's foundation, some angry possums, and are now at the Earth's core. This rigorous training has been killing us, and we're all Olympic skaters, so when I say rigorous I mean back-breaking, so Sunday hasn't come soon enough. I know many of the skaters plan to spend our fabled break sleeping, and when it comes to Chris I mean sleeping, and this is a valid choice. Not the Chris choice, the physically being asleep choice, but i have another idea. As far as Yuri's ideas on today go, they seem similar to the ones he had that day two weeks ago when we skipped and ended up making Piroshki together; that is to say, none. That was actually the most eventful Sunday we've had yet, before and after the skating season begun. Ever since we've just been doing mundane things like going grocery shopping, and feeding ourselves. That's actually all we do. We've never been on a real date. We've been together for six months and have yet to spend a romantic evening together.

May, June, July, August, September, October, November. Yup, six months alright.

But I know that, and that's what my plan for today centers upon.

I just really hope he likes it.

"Yuri!" I call as I make my way down our tiny hallway, poking my head into his bedroom before walking into the kitchen. I stop in the doorway, confused by the sight before me. Yuri sitting at the kitchen table with a laptop, binder full of notes, and a pile of textbooks larger than he is sitting before him. He looks up, slightly annoyed from being aroused from what looks like deep concentration.

"What?" He huffs and raises an eyebrow, "I'm busy."

"I can see," I reply, "Might I inquire with what?" Yuri rolls his eyes,

"School." He mutters and turns his attention back to the laptop.

"You don't go," I say blankly, seemingly grudgingly Yuri once again looks up at me,

"No, I don't." He says, spelling it out for me like I'm an idiot, "But I am legally required to learn things occasionally." I start to get the point,

"Oh, so you have a tutor?" I ask, and he nods,

"Yes, I do, now say whatever it was that you wanted and leave me in peace. This is pissing me off." I smile, deciding what I'd originally had in mind can wait for a bit,

"What are you doing?" I ask him, "I passed tenth grade, I can help."

"Math," He says reluctantly, "And no you can't," he makes a shooing motion with hands to signal my departure from his study space.

"Yes, I can," I say, surprised by his outright disbelief in my abilities. "I graduated high school, I was even in the honors classes." Yuri raises an eyebrow but looks slightly excited at the prospect all the same.

"You can help?" He's warmed up to the idea but still doesn't seem sure,

"I can help," I confirm and he smiles, motioning me over to look in his book.

Yuri!!! On Ice Book 1Where stories live. Discover now