Chapter 27

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**Author's Note!**

Hey guys! So first off I want to say, HOLY CRAP 100 READS WTF!!! This is so cool! I honestly cannot believe that my story has been read 100 times! I honestly never expected something like this and it's the best! Thank you guys so much, like honestly every time I open Wattpad and see another comment, vote, view, it just makes my heart soar! It's honestly the most amazing feeling, and I just love every one of you guys so much! And a shout out to one person in particular, I think you know who you are, you give me so much positive feedback and love on my chapters and I'm so grateful for you and everything you've done for me! It's gotten to the point that when I publish my chapters I'm really excited to see your reactions in particular! It's wonderful! One of my friends wrote a story on here, it recently reached 100K reads, and I'm so proud of her for it! She was talking about how amazing it feels to have feedback and validation and I didn't really get it until now, on a 1000th of the scale of course, but I really don't care! So thank you to EVERY reader out there, both as I write this, and in the future! I love you all! Okay little rant over! Once again thanks for reading! Enjoy!

Yurio's POV 1st Person

I wake up in Otabek's arms. Suddenly, and as if in slow motion, the events of last night come back to me. 'It's real,' 

I had my first kiss last night, I also started my first relationship, with someone other than my grandpa, cat, or the pig and his charmer, that is. I turn my head slightly to look at Otabek's sleeping face, we were on the couch talking for a long time, and I guess we just fell asleep. I smile slightly, he looks so peaceful and happy, a break from the usual monotonous expression he wears with everyone but me. After a glance towards the clock which reads 7:15, I gently slip out of his arms, and make my way into the kitchen. I hum slightly as I bustle around, feeding Potya and starting on breakfast. Suddenly I still as a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I blush, not used to the affection, "Good morning," Otabek tells me as I turn,

"Good morning," I reply, blushing fire engine red, and he smiles at my embarrassment, but not in a mean way, endeared. "Eggs okay?" I ask, turning back to the frying pan, "We have training in a little bit so I thought it'd be fast. He smiles and nods, leaving the room to get dressed, I continue with my work as I'm already ready. Breakfast is a slightly awkward affair as I turn pink every time Otabek says something, and him, being aware of that, trying to put me out of my misery and not do anything to elicit the blush. I can't help it though, and soon it appears as though I have a persistent, and very bad, sun burn. Breakfast does eventually end nonetheless, and as we speed to the rink on Otabek's motorcycle my face finally cools down. 

As we walk into the rink we pass the manager, who gives us a dirty look and walks away pointedly. Whoops, forgot about her. In the locker room we go through the normal routine, a small workout, stretching, and finally donning our skates. Everything seems perfectly normal, and no one mentions my repeated melt down yesterday, hopefully Yuri didn't tell anyone, with the exception of Victor of course. Not that I want him to know, but I know Yuri tells him everything so I may as well accept it. Speaking of the fawning couple, they're acting a bit strange, more so than normal anyway. They keep glancing at each other and looking away quickly. I wonder why-wait. Could Yuri have told Victor about what I said yesterday? What I overheard? Shit, I curse myself, I had to tell him! If something's wrong it's my fault. I couldn't have just kept my damn mouth shut! Otabek follows my gaze and seems to read my thoughts, he cups my face with his hand and gently smiles, It's okay. Don't stress on it, He tells me, and I smile back. He manages to calm me down without using any words, how the hell does he do that? I shake my head softly and he relinquishes his grip on me immediately, scooting backward. I glance around, no one seems to have noticed the quick moment of affection between us, thank god. We agreed that it's a good idea to keep our relationship a secret for a while, this way we can escape prying eyes, mainly those belonging to Victor, Yuri, and Mila. Possibly Yakov too, I'm sure he'd be just thrilled to have two more students dating each other, he's already up to his ears in drama, between Georgi's girlfriend leaving him, Mila's ex, the horny hockey player, and those two with their nauseating infatuation with each other, it's a wonder he hasn't murdered us all. 

We trudge onto the ice, and I slow slightly to keep the gross couple between Otabek and I. I turn to look at them with an eyebrow raised, to find them whispering lightly to each other with soppy expressions on their faces. I roll my eyes to Otabek, on their other side who smiles, matching my eye roll. Just deal with it, you'll survive. We start to make our way to the other side of the rink but are called back by Victor. What now! I glide over to where he and Yuri wait in the center of a ring formed by the skaters, Yakov, and Lilia, who seems to have adopted us all as ballet pupils. I wonder if she's back with Yakov? Ick, never mind, I don't want to know. "So, why the hell are we here?" I ask them rudely, having serious Déjà vu to the whole proposal fiasco. Yuri and Victor exchange a glance and smile fondly at one another. 

"Well," Yuri starts and Victor cuts him off, appearing not to be able to contain himself, No, this isn't-

"We're engaged!" Victor announces grandly and hugs Yuri close to him. Much like her reaction to the planned, if never executed, proposal, Mila shrieks and throws herself upon the happy couple. Yuri looks startled but pleased, while Victor looks so happy he could burst. Mila's a mix of the two, and stands there with a huge smile on her face and tears streaming from her eyes. I survey everyone's reactions, they all seem delighted, even Otabek wears a small smile. 

Well, I take that back, I watch as Georgi bursts into tears and skates away hurriedly, sobbing "Anya!" No one minds, we're used to it by now. 

 "Well?" I'm startled to find myself being addressed. Victor and Yuri have turned to me, the latter looking nervous. "I know I promised, but, this was right, you get that don't you?" Yuri asks, searching my face for any sign of emotion. It remains blank.

"You're engaged," I say slowly, testing out the words, "When are you getting married?" I ask them, refusing to commit to a reaction yet.

"After I win gold in the Grand Prix Final" Yuri states, and Victor nods, both still searching my face, I smile slightly,

"So we've got some time then." They blanch, "Once the impossible happens, when pigs fly, then I'll give you my views. This changes nothing. With Victor back, Otabek in the mix, and me, because there's no way in hell you're taking my medal, you've got your work cut out for you. " I say, and laugh, Victor looks shocked but Yuri just sighs.

"Yes, I do," He agrees, "But don't forget about that .12 difference," He says, smirking slightly, "We'll see who it goes to next time," I narrow my eyes, and growl slightly,

"Me, stupid Pig! I WON!" I yell and without any further interruption skate to my starting position in the corner. Almost everyone turns and stares at me as I begin my warm up, everyone that is, except for Otabek. He just smiles, as much as he is capable in front of others anyway, and glides over to mirror me, joining the warm up. He's not surprised by my reaction, and his smile never falters for the whole rest of the practice. 

**Author's Note!**

Sorry to have two notes in the one chapter, I know I do that lot so sorry, but I just wanted to add in why this chapter was so short. Again, like last chapter, this was supposed to be a brief scene in the next chapter, but got too long and demanded recognition for the full sized chapter it is. Just like Yurio, it may be tiny, but it is mighty! Lol. Sorry again for the ginormous author's note in the beginning, and now this one accompanying the small chapter. That's it, thanks, and I'll see you next time!

Yuri!!! On Ice Book 1Where stories live. Discover now