Chapter: 2

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Chapter: 2
My name's Willow Violet Barlow, I'm 18 years old, I have black long straight hair, my eyes are green, my face isn't perfect but I try, I have light acne. I'm 5"5, and I weigh 130lb.I'm homeschooled, I have been my whole life, my dad did it until I was 14. And then he died in a fire, he was a fire fighter so I was always prepared for it, but I never expected it to happen. Me and my mom have never really been close, I usually just kept to myself and she did her stuff. I try to avoid her, but I still love her. She's been dating Andy for 2years, he is always nice to me but I have a bad feeling about him and I don't like it. I met his son like once and he's a year older than me, I don't even really remember his name. Today is the day we move into his house, I'm not excited but sometimes we have to make sacrifices.
"Come on honey! It's time to go!" I grab my last box and bring it to the car
" I gotta go get my phone and I'll be back" I say to my mom and smile, but as soon as I'm in the house I'm gone. I go up to my room and look around, remembering all the memories, especially the ones with my dad. He always would play with me in here when I was little, we would do my homework together at my desk, whenever I had problems he would sit me down and talk about them on my bed. This was my home and I can't believe I have to leave it. I start feeling the walls walking around, all the art I made and my dad would hang it up. I'm gonna miss this house so much. I feel a tear fall down my cheek, and before I know it more are coming down. I hear footsteps behind me
"I know it's gonna be hard sweetie" I feel my mom start to rub my back.
"Yeah, it's gonna be hard,I grew up here, my last memories with dad were here, and you expect me to just pack my things and leave. It's crazy mom!" I start yelling at her and crying
"I'm sorry sweetie it had to be done, and you'll always have the memories"
"Well people forget memories mom, and that's why they have stuff to remind them but you're taking my reminders away" I look at her and I know she's starting to feel bad
"I'm sorry" she looks down
"Sure mom," I grab my phone wipe my tears and walk out to the car. Andy just looks at me but doesn't say anything, I put my earbuds in and play "lovely" by Billie eilish, and the whole car ride I silent cry tears.
*Skip car ride*
We pull up to a fairly big sized house, that's a plus our other house was pretty small. Andy owns a few businesses so he's kinda wealthy. I look down at my outfit I'm wearing a black tube top with blacked ripped skinny jeans, kinda emo if you ask me. I'm also wearing my brand new checkered vans.
"Alright we're here!" I hear Andy say in excitement, I don't say anything. I sigh, I try to breathe through my nose but it's stuffed up. My eyes have a tint of pink in them, and my eyelashes are coated with a thin line of my tears. I try to look normal, but I can't help my face from looking swollen from crying. I get out of the car and start to grab my things. I had a few things left because they took it all before so I had like 2 boxes and my personal things. I get up to the front door and I'm about to open it but it opens and it reveals a hot boy, damn he's something.
"Hey" he smirks at me. I roll my eyes.
"Hi" he lets me in.
"I'm Colby, you're step brother"
"I'm Willow." Damn. Right then and there I knew this wasn't gonna be the usual brother sister bond...
"Where's my room?"
"I'll show you" he says and starts walking, I follow him, we go through the living room and past the kitchen and up the stairs. The house is really open until he takes me down a hall.
"Here's your room" he points to a big room with a huge window in it.
I walk past him and set my stuff down, I sigh and sit on my bed. I look up Colby still looking at me
"What?" I say in an annoyed tone
"Nothin" he smirks again and turns around and goes to the room across from me
"I already hate this." I mumble under my breath.

Author: I don't think our m gonna put pictures of anybody yet, I want you to imagine what Willow looks like first. Let me know how you like it
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