Chapter: 26

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Chapter: 26

I go upstairs and start packing my stuff. I need to buy some stuff so im gonna go ask Colby.


"Yes? Hes packing clothes into his suitcase on his bed.

"Can we go shopping, the mall isnt closed yet and i need stuff for the trip"



"Yeah" He laughs

"I thought that would be harder" I giggle,
"Im ready lets go" We walk downstairs and my mom is at the kitchen table talking with Andy.

"Colby is taking me shopping be back in a few hours bye mom love you."

"Bye honey be safe!"

*at mall*

We go to a bunch of random stores and i get some outfits, now im trying bikinis on. Im trying a white bikini that is pretty plain,

"What about this one?" I walk out if the dressing room.

"I mean they all look good, but that ones pretty boring." I nod my head and go back in, I have this neon green one piece where the back is open and so is the front, I know Colby is gonna love it.

"What about this one?" I walk out and his jaw drops

"This is the one" I smile and laugh

"I-i youre hot" He plainly says

"Thank you" i giggle more. I take it off and i go pay for it.

"Lets go to hot topic" His eyes light up.

Right when we go in he goes somewhere in the store. I look at the hats, I grab a plain white one. I look at all the jewelry and i get a few chokers and some pretty rings. I also grab a pair of fishnets.

I check out and try to find Colby. I find him by the chains and rings all that stuff. He has a few things.

"Im ready to go" I smile at him

"Ok i got everything i need" He smiles, he checks out and then we leave.

Its been about 2 hours of shopping, so we decide to go home.

"I bought to much stuff" I look at Colby and we both laugh

"Same though." We go in the car and i play Lover..of course...

*at home*

I grab my stuff and go up to my room and finish packing my stuff.

*2 hours later* its now like 8pm and im exhausted. I still decide to face time Valery

"Hey biiittchhh"

"Heyyy I have tea get ready"

"Spill that shit"


"Oh my god he cheated!?" She whispers the last part

"Yup, and the best could say is that the man felt so god damn guilty he bought us a vacation to the bahamas for a week"

"Wow thats kinda good i guess.."

"The best part is i have to share a room with Colby" I wink at her

"Oh my god they made a mistake" Val face palms

"So thats my tea, Im so exhausted and i have to wake up at 4 am so im going to bed"

"Ok fill me in on any tea"
"Oh my god i almost forgot to tell you something hilarios" i start laughing at it thinking about it

"Oh god what?"

"So after you and Sam left... one thing led to another.." She gasped

"And while we were in the middle of fucking they came home! And Andy came up to Colbys room right away so i had to hide in his Closet" it was so hard to not laugh

"Oh my god Willow you really are stupid, imagine if you got caught!"

"Well i dont plan on it" I smirk

"Ok have fun with that" Shes laughing now.

"Goodnight bish"

"Night" and then i hung up

"So valery knows" i jump cause he startled me

"Uhhhh yeah" I blush

"Its fine I told Sam right away" He laughs and sits next to me on the bed. Our faces inches apart.

"God youre eyes are so beautiful" I whisper

"Thanks" He whispers back, not breaking eye contact

"Why did you have to be my stepbrother" I sigh and look down.

"What do you mean?" I get off my bed and stand up, my back facing up, I run my hands through my hair.

"Im falling. Falling hard. Ive never fallen from quite this high, falling into youre Ocean eyes, those Ocean eyes" I turn around and look at him.

"How would you feel if i told you im falling too"

"Well, Ive never fallen this hard" He looks down

"Labels are just a suggestion" I smirk at him and laugh. I lay down and he rests his head on my stomach. I play with his hair and i feel my eye lids getting heavy, until they have fallen into a deep slumber..

Author: my heart:'((( i love this chapter

ive been writing for 4 hours omggg



follow for all the hard work i put into these...


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