Chapter: 33

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Chapter 33:

Dear diary-

If you love someone but loving them is to hard what do you do? Should I just let him go, or do I keep heart says keep fighting, but sometimes you have to listen to youre brain right? I know what that girls intentions were... how did Colby talk to her, and why? There is an explanation, and I will let him explain, but I know she was there, and I know she wanted to do something... I dont like to cry, but I cant help the tears falling down my face. I dont want to be hurt, he knows that, but he did hurt me. What Im trying to say is that when you love someone, and they hurt you, the logical thing is to let them go right..? If you love someone let them go. Maybe I should let Colby go...

I shut my journal and put it down on the beach, people are around me everywhere. My eyes are puffy from crying, people arent staring at me though, I thought they would be looking at me. Im going to let Colby explain..but i think its time to let him go. I need time to think, and heal, so thats why i am here. Yet again I wish my dad was here to help me with this problem, I know what he would say. He would tell me to fight for love, and go get him. Before I make anything set in stone, I need to talk to him. I get up and get a taxi and i go straight back to the hotel, a tear slipping down my cheek here and there. After what feels like 4 hours we pull up to the hotel, I pay the man and walk out. I look at the big building ahead of me, and whats about to happen. I go inside, and go to the elevator, and I hurry our room, after what happened last time im scared. I take a deep breath, im shaking, Ive never been this nervous... I swipe the key card and open the door, what i see breaks my heart. Colby is on the ground on the side of the bed with his head in his knees, I hear little sobs escape his mouth. He didnt even notice me, I hide and decide not to tell him im here yet.

"Why..why did you do this.." He whispers, then his phone rings and he picks it up.

"Hello?" he whispers quietly

"Sam, I messed up, she hates me, I bet she never wants to see me again" not true colby...

"What do i do." his voice is broken


"Thanks Sam...I dont know what i would do without you man"

"Bye bro.." he whispers in the phone and drops his phone on the floor, more crys come out of his mouth.

"I love you....but loving you may be to hard" I walk into the middle of the room, barely even able to speak, holding back my loud sobs in. I close my eyes and tears fall down my cheek.

"I love you" I hear him say and I hear some movement.

"I'll always love you, nothing can be to hard for me Willow, especially if its loving you" My eyes are still closed, and my breaths are shaky, I feel his hand on my cheek, wiping the tears away. I open my eyes and look at his beautiful blue ocean eyes. His eyes are red, and full of tears.

"Ive never fallen from quite this high, fallin into those ocean eyes" I whisper lightly. I see a small smile on his face,

"I love you Cole Robert Brock, and...and loving you, is all I want to do" I love him I really do, nothing will be to hard. I lean in and so does he, our lips connect and its like nothing in the world matters except for my lips on his.

Dear diary-

I love him. And nothing can change that. And loving him is something I wanna do for the rest of my life. If someone asked me where i want to be in five years, i would say...being in a cute little house, in the suburbs of Los Angeles, waking up everyday to his goofy grin, and beautiful ocean eyes.... Maybe even a cute little baby right along with us... All I know is that hes my soul mate. As fucked up as that sounds, my step brother is my soul mate. I hope one day ill be able to say Im mrs. brock....hopefully one day.

Author:soooo my fanfic is so messed up lol, im going back to fix stuff. but who cares as long as its up. Im still sick so im writing hehehhehehheheh. I need help. I want to end this book but i dont..... tHe eNd iS nEAr

love you



frick you to the one person who unfollowed me. that sit hurted. but i still love you

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