Chapter: 30

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Chapter: 30

I hear a knock at the door, I slowly open it.

"Hey Willow, we're going to the beach soon" She said just coming into our room.

"Ok...?" I say back cause like i dont know what to do. She looks at the bed for a few seconds and back at me with a worried look.

"Be ready in 10 minutes" She sounds kinda angry.

"Ok...?" Still confused. She leaves after that.

"What the fuck was her problem" I say outloud

"I have no clue either" Colby said.

"Dont wanna be late" I say grabbing my swim suit. I go into the bathroom and put it on, Then I put my clothes back over it. I also but my hair in a bun, I grab a towel my sunglasses and my phone and we leave. Colby put his swim trunks on and grabbed his shit and we went to the car.

We get inside and it seems tense, luckily the music made it a little less awkward. Since no one was talking we and Colby just started saying random shit and laughing together and at each other. My mom seems so annoyed, and i have no clue why.

We get to the beach and go set up our stuff,

"Lets go swimmm" I say to colby grabbing his hand and dragging him to the water. We swim and mess around for like 20 minutes and then we go back.

"We are gonna go get ice cream" I tell my mom smiling

"Sure" She replys with a annoyed voice.

We walk away kinda awkwardly.

"Jeez she needs to get laid" I mumble making Colby laugh. It takes like 10 minutes to walk down the beach to the ice cream stand.

"What can i get you?" The lady asks, looking directly at Colby.

"Uh, hmm, Ill have a large waffle cone with chocolate"

"Ok anything else?" Shes still staring at him.

"Yeah, Ill have a large waffle cone with cotton candy" I smile at her and she finally looks at me, she has a nasty look on her face like she ate something sour. She makes our cones and hands them to us, I grab them both first cause Colby said he was gonna pay. She winks at Colby and we walk away. I hand Colby his cone and a piece of paper falls out of the napkin. I pick it up and its a little note with a phone number, call me;) **********-Allison

I scoff and throw the piece of paper in the garbage. I turn around and yell to the girl

"Go suck a dick" And i flip her off, a bunch of people look at me and the girl rolls her head.

"What was that..?" Colby is very confused

"Dude. she was like eye fucking you, and she put her number on that paper" I roll my eyes and lick my ice cream

"I didnt notice actually, and jealous much?" He laughs and i roll my eyes

"She wasnt even pretty, after seeing you my expectations are to high for anyone." He smiles at me

"Honestly same though" We both started laughing. The whole walk back we were laughing and talking, we finished our cones before we got back. I was to busy laughing and looking at Colby that i tripped and fell other my bag, Colby caught me before i fell, I stared into his eyes for second before getting up.

"Watch where youre going" My mom said.

"What the fuck is wrong with you today!?" Im done with her horrible attitude.

"Watch what you say to me Willow"

"God just go suck a dick." her eyes are wide

"Willow Violet Barlow, dont ever talk to me like that again" Shes pissed now.

"Im going back to the hotel" I mumble grabbing my bag and i head up the street. I didnt even ask Colby, I grab a taxi and tell them where it is and they take me.

"Thank you" I mumble getting out of the taxi, I pay them and go inside. I didnt even put my clothes on i was still in my suit. I go in the lobby and a bunch of creepy dudes were looking at me and smirking. One even whistled, I ignore them and go to my room, I feel like someone following me so i rush to my room. Im doing the key thing and i drop it cause i was shaking. Someone grabs my waist, i try to scream but the cover my mouth right away, with there other hand they start grabbing my boobs, and then they go down...He starts rubbing me and it feels horrible, not good at all. I try kicking them but it doesnt help

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I hear someone yell, tears are streaming down my face. The person drops me and runs away,

"Are you ok?" I hear the voice and i see a boy that looks around my age. I cant even speak.

"T-thank y-you" Is all i manage to say.

"Yeah no problem" He says

"I-i g-got to g-go" I manage to say

"If you need anything, im down the hall last door on the right" i nod my head and go inside. Tears are streaming down my face. I collapse on the floor, i start to feel really dizzy and i cant breathe. Panic attack. All I got to do is think about the talks with my dad that we would have, its the only thing that calms me... but i dont think of them, I think of Colby, and i some how manage to calm down and breath.

"Fuck fuck fuck what the fuck just happened!?" I yell out. I feel dirty.. I dont want anyone touching me..except for Colby. I grab my phone and speaker and i go take a bath, I play Lover, but i end up tuning it out cause im stuck in my thoughts... I could have been raped, raped or killed, or raped then killed! I start shaking again thinking about it, I didnt even see the mans face but i feel like it was one of the guys in the lobby. Before I know it im crying again, sobbing actually.

"Willow?" his voice is muffled from the music and the door in the way, but it was still great to hear it. I hear the door open but i dont look.

"Baby whats wrong" He sits down next to the tub, he lifts my face up to look at him.

'I-i-i" I cant speak, I just cry more, he gets the memo and he just sits there and conforts me for like five minutes.

"How about you come out and we cuddle on the bed" His smile gives me life

"S-sure" I manage to say. I drain the bath tub and get out and dry myself off and put pjs on. I turn my music on and go to the bed where Colby is waiting. Hes laying on his side having the blanket up so I can slide in next to him, and i do.

"Whenever you wanna talk about it babygirl im ready to hear it" He said putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. I turn around and look at him.
"I was almost rapped" He doesnt say anything, I stop looking at him and put my head on the pillow and close my eyes, I dont want to start crying again. He hugs me super tight,

"I-im sorry Willow, I should have went with you im so sorry baby" I look at him and hes crying too, I wipe the tear away.

"I love you"

"I love you" he says back, I put my head on the pillow and go to sleep for some much needed rest.

Author: dRaMa comin uppppp hEhe

Its Nice To Have A Friend is my fucking jam

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