Chapter: 27

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Chapter: 27

"Willow wake up!" i hear my mothers annoying voice.

"Five more minutes" I mumble.

"Willow come on" I feel the bed dip, its Colby, I smile at the thought of him.

"Come on we dont want to be late" He brushes the hair from my face,

"Ugh fine" i get up and grabbed a sweater and leggings. I dont even care that Colby is in here, I start to take my clothes off

"Woah im flattered but willow at least wait until we are in the hotel!"

"Shut up" I start laughing. I grab my uggs and put them on.

"Im tired as shit. Lets go" I say grabbing my bag and suitcase and head down stairs. I put my stuff in the car and go sit at the counter. I eat a banana and a granola bar.

"Come on everyone! We dont want to miss the flight!" My mom says. I go to the car, I have to sit in the middle seat cause there is stuff in the other seat. I get in and put my headphones on. I see Colby slide into the seat next to me and he smiles, I smile back, boy his smile is contagious.

"Im going back to bed" I mumble so Colby will hear

"Goodnight princess" He whispers, I lean my head on his shoulder and fall back asleep.

*hour later*


"Just carry meee"

"I would but they would think its wierd" He whispers the last part

"Ughgghh" I open my eyes and try to wake up.

"I dont want to go through the airport"

"Youll be fine you can sleep on the plane"

"Mmhm" Is all i manage to say. I get out of the car and grab my bag and suitcase, we go inside and hear our flight get called right away.

"Yay security" I sarcastically say. We put our stuff up and go through the medal detecters and nothing goes wrong. We walk to the place to board the plane and we get on. Me and Colby sit a few rows behind my mom and Andy

"Want the window seat?" Colby asks me while we are walking to our seats

"Yeah" I smile at him

"Meet us once we get off the plane!" My mom says before we get to far from her, I nod in agreement. We put our carry ons in the compartment and sit down.

"Why am i so tired" I say leaning my head on Colbys shoulder

"I dont know" He laughs.

"Ugh, Im going to sleep again." I say, Colby leans his head on mine, and his hand lays on my thigh. The flight isnt that long so I think Im gonna nap the whole time...


I wake up and Colby is still asleep.

"Wakey wakey bitch, we here"

"Mmm that was a nice goodmorning" Colby says stretching. We get up and stretch grabbing our stuff from the compartment and we get off the plane. I see my mom and Andy waiting for us.

"Andy rented a car for us to use, so lets go!" My mom is so excited and pumped

"So much energy jeez mom" I laugh.

I look around and the sight is beautiful,

"Wow its so beautiful" I say so only Colby can hear

"Not as beautiful as you" He has a cheeky smile on his face

"So cheesey, i like it" I laugh and so does he. We put our stuff in the rental car and go to our hotel.

*at hotel*

"Youre room is 324 on the third floor, Ours is 202 on the second floor" My mom hands me and Colby key cards.

"Can i sleep more and then explore on my own?" I ask my mom because i know that she will want to do family things

"Fine, We'll do lunch tomorrow."

"Thanks mom see you tomorrow" I give her a hug and we go to our room

"Finally oh my god" I sigh jumping onto the bed.
"What do you wanna do?" I ask Colby

"You want an honest answer?"


"Fuck me"

Author: dzaaamnnn colby hhe just went there




follow cause ive been awake for 19 hours;-;

im oka-

no im not x_x



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