Chapter: 35

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Chapter: 35


"Willow Violet Barlow, do you take Cole Robert Brock, to be youre beloved husband?"

"I do"

"Cole Robert Brock, do you take Willow Violet Barlow, to be youre beloved wife?"

"I do" His eyes are still bluer than the ocean, filled with love and lust.

"You may kiss the bride!" I look into his eyes as he stares back, in that second it feels like no one matters at all except this kiss, and me and him. We both lean in, our lips connect, the feeling of electricity still present. He breaks the kiss and I finally realize where I am, the people cheering, the dress, the tux, im here, 5 years later.

"How do you feel Mrs. Brock?" he smirks at me

"Mrs. Brock" I repeat and smile,

"I knew I would be here someday" I smile at him and laugh

"Me too, ever since i laid my eyes on you" People are still cheering as we have our little moment. I look forward and we begin walking down the aisle, I go up to my mom and her new husband John, hes much sweeter, and I love him.

"Theres my sweet little sugarplum!" I grab my little angel, our 3 year old daughter, Kenzie. I pick her up and smile at my mother, who is tearing up

"Im so proud of you, congratulations"

"Thanks mom" I smile and we continue walking. Colby right beside me and Kenzie, We walk outside seeing a bunch of people.

"Congrats!" they are all yelling,

"Oh no it got leaked" I hear Colby say

"Its fine lets go!" I say rushing to the limo, we have the after party to attend to. We get in the limo and I check my phone, I go onto twitter, number one trending is me and Colby getting married...

"Thats why" I laugh and show Colby my phone, he laughs too.

"I love you" he says and looks at me

"I love you"

Backstorrryyyy timeeee: so after they moved to La, Sam and Colby started their channel together, and then they had their personal vlog channel. Of course they got super famous, and 3 years later, Sam and Valery got married. Andy and Willows mom got divorced right after they left to LA. After Sam and Val got married Willow and Colby had Kenzie. After about another Year Colby proposed to Willow and now they got married another year later.

What happens later: they stay married for the rest of their lives, they have another child a year after they got married, his name is Joseph. Sam and Val also stayed together and had 3 kids together. Everyone lived long happy lives.

Author: woe i feel weird. I love this story so much and I want to thank you guys for reading it and always leaving good positive comments! 

I love you all and i'm obviously not gonna stop writing. 

upvote on this chapter and make sure to check out the next one because its about a new book!

i love yall so much and I hope you have a wonderful day/night.


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