Chapter: 16

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Chapter: 16

I wake up and just sit and stare at my ceiling. I wanna do something reckless,

"I got it" I mumble I get up and get dressed into a black crop top hoodie with ripped black jeans, I do a brown smokey eye in makeup and go downstairs. And grab an apple, im not really hungry. I start to head out the door.

"Where you going?" I hear Colbys voice

" Um no where, see you later" i rush out the door. I grab my bike, Its pretty nice outside, especially for a bike ride. I get to the store and go inside,

"Hi how may i help you?"

"Hey, Im looking for dark purple hair dye"

"Ah yes right over here" The worker leads me over to it. I grab everything ill need, a tub of bleach, toner, hair dye, and special shampoo and conditioner.

"Youre total is $103.45" The lady at the front desk says

"Thank you" i say and leave the store, Im so excited. I bike home and see a note on the counter,

Be home in a few hours chilling with sam, call me if you need anything- Colby

Now i don't have to hide dyeing my hair from him great. I go upstairs to my bathroom and put on a tshirt i dont care about. I follow the mixture instructions and put the bleach in my hair.

*2 hours later*

Ive bleached my hair twice and it looks about right, I grab the hair dye and just go at it, It didnt take long to apply it, now i gotta wait another hour.

*1 hour later*

Im about to rinse the hair dye out and im so excited, my mom is gonna freak out, but i know she'll like it eventually.

"Cant wait to wash my hair with cold water" I mumble to myself in a sarcastic tone. I rinse the hair dye out, I grab my thermo protector and blow dry my hair. As im about done blow drying it i hear the door open and a few guys laughing

"Shit Colby" I whisper I feel like there are more guys than just him and Sam. I decide to go downstairs and act as if nothing is wrong, Im hungry anyways. I start to go down the stairs, Sam, Colby, and someone ive never met before, I dont recognize him. They are all on the couch which doesnt face towards the kitchen. I go without notice at first. Im looking in the cabnet for my ramen noodles when it goes silent

"Willow?" Colby sounds confused as hell

"Yes?" I simply reply still looking for my ramen

"Y-youre hair?"

"Mid life crisis, already emo, why not?" I turn around looking at him, sam looks shocked to

"Damn do i look ugly?" I pout my lip out

"Uh no- no, not at all, its just different" Colbys cheeks are red

"Whos that?" I point to the guy, grabbing a pot and i fill it with water.

"Uh thats Nate, Nate, this is my step sister"

"Damn she is hot" He mumbles

"Nate!" He play hits him

"Hello Nate, Im Willow" I smirk, hes not super ugly, but still not my type. His face goes red and i laugh

"So thats where you went this morning"

"No, i went to go fuck someone" I giggle, i wanted to see his reaction

"Uhhh ok.." His face is even more red

"No you dumbass, I had to buy the hair dye" I laugh, I have the water on the stove, now i have to wait till it boils.

"What you boys doing?" I go over to the couch arm chair, I sit on it then fall onto the couch, my head on Colbys lap.(sorry if that was bad Well, my head on his dick. I did it on purpose.

"Uh we were probably gonna go hiking or some shit like that"

"Cool, can i come with, Valery is busy" Colby looks at Sam and Nate

"Yeah sure" Sam says

"Im cool with it" Nate smiles at me.

"Cool" I smile and bite my lip and i start to get up right when my timer goes off for my ramen. They start talking and laughing but i dont pay attention. I start to eat my Ramen when Valery calls

"Hey bitttcchhhh" I say to my phone


"Oh yeah forgot to tell you" I laugh

"Ive embraced my full Emo lifestyle"

"The most emo you can get is black hair, and youres was black already" She laughs, I take a bite of my ramen and i moan, in the corner of my eye i see Colby look at me, I smirk

"If ramen was a guy, he would be hot as fuck, honestly would smash"

"Honestly same" Valery says

"Oh he would definitely be emo"
"AN EBOY" Valery screams

"YES, a bunch of rings, painted finger nails, CHAINS" I scream into my phone, I totally forgot the boys are in the living room

"He has to be kinky" Val says and wiggles her eyebrows. I look up and they are all looking at me, I start laughing like crazy, I actually start crying,

"I agree" Im finally able to say, Valery is laughing too.

"Im gonna go get ready" I look at them and they nod

I rinse my bowl out and put it away Im walking to the stairs and i drop my phone

"Whoops" I say and bend down and grab my phone. Valery still on face time. I get up and i feel eyes on me.

"Eyes up boys" I laugh and head up stairs

"I gotta go Val, Im going hiking with them" I smile

"Oooo" She wiggles her eyebrows

"Shut up bye bitch"

I hang up the phone and look in the mirror

"Lets get sexy" I smile to myself,

Hiking, get ready bitch, cause im coming

Author: i love ramen sorry,,,,,,, and eboys..heheh 

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comment good ideas for a chap, 

 oh also do you like the story so far? do i need more smut? please let me know in the comments, it helps alot:)


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