Chapter: 22

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Chapter: 22

Its been about an hour and we decide to get out.

"Val we should have brought clothes im freezing" I shiver.

"Yeah" She laughs

"Here you can have my sweatshirt" Colby hands me his sweatshirt.

"Here" Sam hands Val his

"Are you sure, I can survive" I raise my eyebrow at colby Val just agrees with me

"Yeah we're fine" They smile. We get in the car.

"Lets get McDonalds" I smile

"Yessss" Valery agrees with me

"Ok lets go" Colby starts the car and we drive to McDonalds, we go through the drive through, and get a bunch of junk food. I order a smoothie and a double cheeseburger.

"I can payyyyy" I say shoving my credit card in Colbys face

"No im driving, I pay" He smirks


"No" he cuts me off

"Fine." I slouch in the seat, to the point where my feet are almost in the air, his sweatshirt goes down to my mid thigh, my ass is kinda exposed, I look at Colby and hes staring,

"Perv" I mumble low enough just for him to hear. He laughs and looks up, the lady gives us or food and we start driving back home.

Once we get home i grab my garbage and go inside and throw it away and i go upstairs to change. I still wear Colbys sweatshirt with some underwear on, I put my hair in a loose ponytail and go back downstairs. Val changed and so did the boys.

"You guys can sleep down here if you want" I say cause i thought it would be fun

"Yeah sure" Colby says, Me and Val move our sleeping bags over,

" I call end" I shout out, so its me, colby, sam, then val. No one said anything about it. I go upstairs and brush my teeth, and go back downstairs, Sam and Colby are in basketball shorts. I go in the sleeping bag, im exhausted.

"Goodnight people" I say softly, I hear them mumble stuff back, I have my fan on so there is some noise.

"You look cute in my sweatshirt," I hear colby mumble softly in my ear, kinda turned me on

"Thanks" I softly reply. Im about to fall asleep and i hear colby mumble i lo- just kidding i just fall asleep.

"No, stop, stop" I whisper, the sight in front of me

"Dad dont go in there" I shout after him but he doesnt hear, he goes in and i hear his screams of pain from the flames

"Dad! Dad no, DAD!" I yell out to him, tears streaming down my face. I then wake up, breathing heavily, sweating like crazy, hot tears streaming down my face. I get up out of the sleeping bag, I grab a glass of water and check the time on the clock, its 4:17AM, I decide to go outside on the porch. I sit on the chairs and curl up into a ball holding my knees. I try not to think about the dream, but i cant, small sobs escape my mouth. I get nightmares frequently and it sucks.

"I wish i could have helped you dad..." I whisper knowing he wont hear me. I stay outside for about a half an hour and i decide to try and sleep again. I get back under the sleeping bag, and i feel Colbys arm around my waist

"You okay?" He whispers, his voice raspy

"Bad dream" I respond.

"Its ok, Im here now" He comes closer and puts his face in the crook of my neck,

~Stepbrother~Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now