Chapter: 34

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Chapter: 34

*2 weeks later*

"So how you and Colby?" Valery asks and smirks. I get off my bed to grab my phone.

"Oh shut uppp, we're fine, I got over the stupid trip I dont even care anymore"

"Hows the sex?" she wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

"Its great, still stretching me out and its been like a month" We both start laughing, but soon we stop.

"WILLOW VIOLET BARLOW. WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY" my mother barges into my room practically shaking with anger. Im white as a ghost, stuttering but not able to speak. I hear Val mumble..

"Oh shit..."

"M-mom its not what you think" i try to calm her down...

"EXPLAIN TO ME THEN, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!?" She comes up to me and slaps me across the face

"fuck"I mumble,things are blurred, and I feel dizzy, I think Valery picked me up off the ground.

"ANDREW GET IN HERE" I hear my mom yell

"Whats wrong honey?" I see the shocked look on his face.

"Whats wrong!? Apparently our kids have been fucking!?" My mom is more than angry.

"Willow what is wrong with you! And Colby! I expected more than both of you. Go be somone else's little slut. Not my sons!" I get so fucking angry.

"OH ANDY LIKE YOURE SO INNOCENT" I see the fear tinge in his eyes, I go up to him and slap him as hard as I could.

"Whats going on!?" I hear Colbys voice, he must have gotten home from hanging out with Sam.

"Mother. Youre beloved Andy has been cheating on you with some 19 year old whore. That day at the beach before the trip when I got home I caught them fucking." I back away, I see my moms heart shatter into a billion pieces. I dont see any emotion from Andy...

"Oh and the thing with Colby. God I love him, I have never loved someone like him, I dont care if hes my step brother, he wont be for long cause of this piece of shit." I point at Andy


"Dad would want me to be with someone who loves me, and cares for me! He wants me to be happy! After he died I havent been happy! Not until Colby came into my life! Leave me the fuck alone!" I yell, there is silence for a second.

"Fuck it." I say, i grab my bag and throw some clothes in it and I grab my wallet and phone charger.

"Where do you think youre going"

"We're" I correct her as I walk past her and grab Colby and go into his room and slam the door shut.

"Grab whatever you need" I mumble and buy our tickets. He doesnt say anything and does what I say. In a few minutes hes ready, I open my door and Im faced with Andy and my mom. I look her straight in the eyes, tears are streaming down her face.

"Im sorry mom, I love you, leave this piece of shit, text me when the divorce is final." I smile at her and we walk past her.

"Where are you going!?" Andys voice booms.

"Im out of this hell hole. We're moving to LA, piece bitches. I yell and slam the door, we go into Colbys car and start heading to the airport.

"Give me youre phone" he hands it to me, I dial Sams number. It rings a few times and then it picks up

"Hey Colby!"

"Wrong, pack youre shit we're moving to LA, no time to explain meet us at the airport" I say into the phone and hang up. I give him his phone back and I call Val.

"Pack youre shit and meet us at the airport, we're moving to LA"

"Im sorry I left-"

"Its fine see you in 30" I say and hang up. I sigh a big heavy sigh, a million things are going through my mind...I shouldnt have dealt with it like that, I hurt her..Tears are streaming down my face.

"Hey, we're going to be ok...I love you" Colby puts his hand on my thigh

"Im sorry-" i try to explain but he cuts me off

"Lets just forget it, ands move on"He smiles his goofy grin. I cant help but smile back.

"I love you"

"I love you" I say, as I think of our future. All I know is that its going to be with my best friend, my lover, my soulmate. My stepbrother.

Author: oh my god. thats it. wtf. its done. this is the ending. i-

this book is so wrong, but it felt so right to write. 




its done...

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