Chapter: 18

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Chapter: 18
I get home and go to my room right away, I look at the calendar August 22. I've been so busy I didn't even realize Taylor Swifts new album is coming out. I shriek in excitement. I grab my phone and call Valery right away
"OK IM COMING OVER NOW." She then hangs up. I take a shower and put pajama pants on and a t-shirt. I head downstairs to see Sam sitting on the couch.
"Uh Sam's sleeping over tonight" Colby says
"Valery is coming over. Lover is coming out tonight so he prepared" I laugh and Sam and Colby look at each other.
"Can we go get snacks?"
"Yeah let's go" when I'm at the door Colby looks at me
"What it's comfy" I laugh and so does he.
*Skip to store*
We grab chips, ice cream, soda. And a bunch of other snacks. Before Colby pays I snatch his credit card and swipe mine
"My idea. I pay." I giggle and he laughs
*Skip to when Valery gets there(sorry lazy at)*
"IM SO EXCITED" I yell while opening the door, Valery has her bags
"Oh and Colbys friend Sam is staying the night"
"Ok cool" she smirks
"Val stopppp" I close the door,
"Let's set up in the living room, we went and bought snacks before too."
"Yesss" I already have my stuff set up so we get her things set up. I check the time and it's 7
"God 4 more hours" I sigh
"What are we going to do in the mean time?"
"We should listen to her old songs and go on that stupid sight to get boys snaps" I laugh
"Oh my God sounds perfect."
I put a playlist of her older songs on the TV, and we go on our phones.
*Minutes later*
"Oooo look at this guy" Valery says wiggling his eyebrows
"Damn he's hot" I say, the guy has Hazel eyes and a bit of a jawline and curly hair.
"His name is Jack and he's 19" she smiles.
A few seconds later Val screams
"AH OH MY GOD" she laughs and throws her phone, I grab it and look. But I regret it.
"BAHA HE SENT YOU A NUDE AND HIS DICK IS SMALL" I say laughing my ass off.
"Woah what are you guys doing..?" Colby is behind us
"Trying to find cute boys in this stupid website. And this random ass guy sent Val a nude." I'm laughing like crazy
"And his dick was small" me and Val are crying cause we're laughing so hard.
"Oh Val this is Sam, Sam this is my cousin Valery" I smile at them
"Hey" she's still giggling
I look at my phone cause I added this guy and he sent me a snap.
I open it.
"I'm gonna puke" I put my phone down and start laughing really hard, my stomach hurts so bad
"Willow ewwwww" I hear Valerys voice.
"I mean all I need is big dick. Being hot is a plus"
"WILLOW" she looks so surprised
"I'm kidddiinnngggg" I forgot Sam and Colby are in here. I look at Colby and wink. He starts blushing.
"I mean you did fuck-"
"VALERY." I knew she was gonna say Colby, she's laughing even harder and I feel my face go red. I hear the boys giggling behind us on the couch.
"I'm bored all the cute guys on this site want nudes" Valery says frowning
"I mean go ahead Val," I say laughing
"No. I'm not like that, or at least not lately" she laughs at herself.
"I'll be right back I gotta pee" I get up and head to the bathroom. When I'm done I walk out and start heading back downstairs. But I get grabbed and shoved into Colbys room. He slams me against the wall choking me slightly.
"Get ready babygirl" he smirks and removed his hand leaving kisses on my neck.
Oh shit

Author: hEhE
Lover is literally my shit.
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I'm to lazy to write more😂

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