Chapter: 3

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Chapter: 3
I start unpacking my clothes in my new dresser and turn music on, it's a mixed playlist of so many artists, Dont Be A Fool by Shawn Mendes is on. I hear a knock, I ignore it but they knock again. I go to the door and open it revealing Colby
"What the fuck do you want?" I asked annoyed
"Woah jeez, your mom just wanted me to tell you that dinner is done"
"Tell her I'm not hungry" I roll my eyes and shut the door in his face, I just want to be alone in my old room playing with my dad.
"Willow, come and eat. Now." The door was opened and my mom was there. I roll my eyes at her
"Ok fine" I put my shirt in my drawer and grab my headphones and my phone and head to the kitchen table everyone is sitting and eating. I sit down without a word and put one headphone in and play my music to ignore everyone.
"Willow Violet. Turn your music off" my mom is yelling at me. I roll my eyes and drop my fork on the plate. I look up at her and take my headphone out.
"Willow, stop being so dramatic and be nice to your new family" that's it.
"Really Mom? New family? You take me out of my childhood home where I last saw my father, and expect me to just take this in on one day?"
"Come on Willow don't make a scene" I can't express how angry I am, but I'll play her game.
"Ok." I sit there looking at all of them, then I smile and take another bite. I look up at Andy,
"So daddy how was your day at work" I smile and twirl my hair.
"Willow knock it off right now." My mom yells across the dinner table at me.
"What do you want me to do! I didn't get a manual on how to be the perfect daughter, and definitely didn't get one for being the perfect step daughter!" I yell at her. The tears start coming out.
"Every fucking day I do all I can to be perfect for you. But you don't seem the care. God I wished you and Dad never had me! Maybe I should just go kill myself and save your ass the responsibility of being a mother. Oh wait! You already don't fucking do that!" The tears are pouring out, I've never seen this look on my mother. Everyone is speachless.
"I'm going out. Hopefully I fucking die"
With that I go outside and start walking. I hear my mom calling my name but I just turn my music up more. I get into town, and I see a Starbucks in the distance and I decide to go there. Luckily I have my wallet with me so I order some coffee to wake me up because I know it's going to be a long night. I sit down at a table, my phone still blowing up from my mom, but I ignore it. I look around the store and see a cute boy. He looks at me and we make eye contact for a second. But I look away first. I'm scrolling through Instagram and then he sits down.
"Hopefully this seat isn't taken" I look up and he's smiling
"Nope, all yours"
"Ah cool"
"I'm Willow" I smile at him, and he smiles back
"I'm Jake"

Author: ok so we already know Colby is 19 in the story, and no one is famous in it either. I might have some other traphouse members in the story besides the real Kansas boys but idk yet.
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