Chapter: 31

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Chapter: 31

I wake up to my phone ringing, of course its my mom.

"Yeah?" I answer, my voice still raspy.

"Come to my room right away, I need to talk to you" She was hella pissed and i didnt even get to respond she just hung up. I start to get a bad feeling. Colby is still sleeping, and i let him be. I change into shorts and a croptop and put my sandals on. I go to her room right away. I knock and the door swings open.

"Get in here" Shes so angry. I see Andy on the bed with his arms crossed.

"What the fuck is this about?"

"Why are you so close to Colby" That question caught me off guard.

"What do you mean?"

"You two are always so close...and

you are sleeping in the same bed...Its just.."

"What are you insinuating mother?" Im starting to get a bit angry.

"Its just a little wierd Willow, Hes youre step brother"

"Not for long" I mumble and Andy hears, he looks at me and gives me the death stare.


"Nothing" I quickly return

"Well this whole conversation was worthless and wasted my time, dont get youre titties all twisted next time. Colbys my step brother mom." little does she know....

"Willow Violet!"

"Gotta go make out with my step bro byeee" I say heading to the door I hear a gasp come from both of them.

"Kidding" I say before I shut the door and go back to our room. I slowly open the door and see Colby shirtless laying in bed on his phone. He didnt even notice me. I slowly make my way to the bed and I jump on him, and I straddle his lap.

"God Willow you scared me" He sighs. I start slowly moving my butt on his dick to tease him

"Willow stoppp" He moans.

"My mom suspects that we have a thing"

"Wait really?" He stops and stares at me

"Mmmyeap. I think I convinced her until..uh..right before i left I teased them and said i gotta go make out with my step bro" I start laughing and so does he.

"And I have full intentions of doing so" I giggle and lean down and kiss him. God his lips are unexplainable. So soft, and gentle, but rough, and sloppy to kiss. His hands go on my hips and I grind on him(bAbY gRinD On mE) A small moan escapes his lips causing me to giggle, I feel his hands grasp my ass. I gasp and giggle again on his lips. My hand trails down to his shorts, when there are two loud knocks. Me and Colby look at each other than I throw myself of him

"Yeah?" I ask out loud.

"Go to the bathroom!" I whisper yell and push Colby

"Its your mom. Open up."

"Ok coming" I get up and open the door

"Jeez took you long enough"

"To busy making out with Colby" I laugh

"Willow thats not funny to joke around about"

"Jeez sorry" I roll my eyes and sit on the bed. My mom seems super stressed
"Mom whats have been different lately"

"Its just..Andy...hes been acting different lately. And the past few weeks he hasnt wanted to..uh..ya know" My mom looks at me...EW MOM

"Uhhhhhhh" Is all i manage to say

"To much" My mom laughs

"Im sorry maybe hes getting old" I know exactly whats up. Stupid 19 year old hoe.

"Are you okay..Ive been so harsh on you"

"Mom...i-i was almost rapped yesterday" I decided to tell her, I feel the tears on the brink of my lids.

"W-willow...When?" her eyes look glassy.

"I was about to come in the room after I ran off and some man grabbed me...and he touched me, and some guy scared him off"

"Willow...Im so sorry" I see a tear come down her cheek.

"Its fine..Colby came back and he saw me and helped me with my mental breakdown..."

"Im so sorry" She lowers her head, she must really feel bad.

"Its fine mom" I hug her and she hugs back.

"The day is still young, go do something with Andy, me and Colby were gonna hang out today...some family bonding" I laugh and so does she..little does she know that our "bonding time" consists of us sticking our tongues down each others throats.

"Ok, I will, be safe" She smiles and hugs me and leaves the room. Colby must be taking a shower. I guess I could join him...A shower is great for our "bonding time"....

Author: dear diary-

i made a new friend today. it feels great. my life is still absolute shit and i read a colby fanfic that made me cry my eyeballs out. I also realized for the 6969 time that im never NEVER gonna fuck colby brock. i want to die but its fine. I wnat to read sad fanfics and die in a hole. love- dt_4life<3

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DT tuesdayyyyyy fuuucckkkkkk srry



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