Chapter: 24

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Chapter: 24

I wake up and see Colby next to me on his phone, his other hand is playing with my hair.

I groan

"How long was i asleep?" My voice groggy

"About 2 hours"

"You could have woke me up to leave" I laugh

"No its fine, I enjoyed watching you wierd as that sounds"

"You creep" i giggle and grab my phone and cuddle up against him again

"Shit they're home" I get worried,

"Its fine, youre mom came in earlier and thought it was cute" He laughs

"Ew cringe" I look at the time its 4pm

I get a text from a number

Unkown: hey sorry it took me forever to text you, its brennan the guy at the grocery store and party

Me: its fine no worries:)

Brennan: ok cool, we should hangout some time

Me: yeah for sure, im not really busy ever lol

Brennan: i have a question

Me; yeah?

Brennan: are you Colby Brock's stepsister?

Me: uhh yeah

Brennan: oh ok cool, cause me and colby are really good friends

Me: ooooooh yeah hes mentioned you

Brennan: good stuff i hope

Me: yeah lol

Me: text me whenever maybe we could all hangout.

Brennan: i willll

"Whats with me and meeting youre friends" i laugh and look at Colby

"What do you mean?"

"Out of this whole city, I met Jake, and now I met youre friend Brennan jeez"

"So thats the Brennan youve been talking about"

"Yeah he finally just texted me"

"Hes my other good friend"

"Good to know he wont be an ass"

"Yeah hes chill"

"DINNER!" My mom yells from down the stairs. I slowly get off the bed stretching, then me and Colby head downstairs to the table. She made spaghetti.

"So i was thinking tomorrow we could go to the beach and have a family bonding experience." My mom seems very excited,

"Sure im not busy" I dont feel like arguing,

"Yeah me either" Colby says

"Great!" The rest of the dinner i dont talk at all, I just eat my food and ignore everyone.

*next day*

"Im ready" I come downstairs with my bag with all my stuff, Colby is already down there and so is my mom

"Aw, its ok, maybe next time, feel better babe" I see my mom talking to Andy

"So whats up?" I ask my mom

"Andy doesnt feel well so its just us."

"Oh ok" I smile and we head out to the car. We take my moms car

*at the beach*

"Oh mom you forgot the food and stuff"

"Oh damnit"

"I can go home and get it quickly" I smile at her

"Ok sweetie hurry up"

I look at Colby and mouth the words "goodluck" he looks at me with scared eyes. I play music on the way home and sing. The beach isnt that far. I get out of the car and go inside, I see the bags and i grab them...but then i hear a moan, it doesnt sound like a man moan. Andy is the only one home. My heart starts to race, and my stomach is flipped upside down. I slowly make my way up the stairs, the moans getting louder, it leads me to their room... The door is open a crack. I look in and i see some girl on top of Andy. my breath hitches. She looks fucking young too! I feel tears prick my eyes. I hate the guy, but my mom loves him, this is gonna crush her. Should i tell her? Should i barge in there and kick his ass?

"ANDY WHAT THE FUCK!?" I scream and slam the door open

"W-willow" His face goes white

"How old are you!?" i ask the girl

"19" She states

"Willow dont tell youre mother please"

"How long has this been going on?"

"T-three m-months" He stutters, My jaw drops.

"Fuck you Andy. Im going back to the beach" I mutter and i start to leave

"Wait Willow are you gonna tell her.."

"I dont fucking know Andy, I have to comprehend this first" I run down the stairs and go into the car. What am i gonna do? I start driving getting myself together. I pull up to the beach, I look like a mess.

"Its ok Willow, you can act." I say and get out of the car grabbing the stuff and i head over to my mom and Colby, I put a fake smile on.

"Im back" I laugh a little after. Colby looks relieved.

"Wanna come swim with me?" I smile cause my mom is looking at me, and when she looks away i give Colby a 'we need to fucking talk' look

"Uh yeah" He takes his shirt off and i take my shirt and shorts off.

"We'll be back mom!' I smile and we walk away. Once we are far away i spill it

"Youre dumbass Dad is cheating on my Mom with some 19 year Old!"

Author: tea was fucking spilt.

dont you hate when you forgot you have a period and you where white pj pants and now there is a giant blood stain. yeah me right now:) today is a great day for me.

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