Chapter: 4

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Chapter: 4
"So why are you here alone?"
"Ugh" I sigh
"My mom is being stupid and expecting me to fit right in at "home" when she just made me move in with her fiance and my soon to be stepbrother. So at dinner I ran out and walked here,"
"Wow that's a lot"
"Yeah it sucks" I look down and then at my phone, it's 8pm already.
"I should really go home or my mom will kill me"
"Need a ride?" Honestly I shouldnt take it but I don't feel like walking
"Sure" we walk out of the store and go to his car and I tell him my address
"Oh, you're Colbys new stepsister, he told me about you" Jake looks at me
" you know him"
"Yeah we're buddies" he looks at the road and smiles
"Cool" I put my headphone in and shuffle my playlist. He pulls up to the house
"Thanks for the ride and talk" I look at him and smile
"Yeah no problem, here's my number we should hang soon" I grab the paper and head out of the car and go up to the front door and open it.
"Willow! Where have you been?! You had us worried sick!" I see my mom and Andy on the couch
"This is unacceptable young lady" I hear Andys low voice. I scoff at them,  and walk upstairs. Of course my mom follows me.
"Mom I don't wanna hear another lecture" I turn around to face her
"Willow, I'm you're mother, you listen to me" she says in a Stern voice
"I'm 18 mom" I stare at her
"Under this roof you follow me and Andys rules"
"Ok sorry" I roll my eyes
"Willow, just please be nice, I'm sorry this has to happen, I love you but we have to move on" she hugs me and I hug her back to make her happy. She looks at me and then leaves. I sit down and let out a big sigh. I hear a knock at the door
"Mom just leave me alone" I say and the door opens
"I'm not you're mom" I know that sexy voice anywhere, Colby.

Author: ok I sleep now.
What's gonna happen neeexxttt
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