Chapter: 10

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Chapter: 10
*1 week later*
My mom and Andy are going on a business trip for 4 weeks... Me and Jake have been getting more serious and me and Colby haven't talked much...
"Bye Mom love you" my mom walks out the door with Andy. Me and Colby will be home alone...ugh
Jake is calling,
"Hey I wanna ask you something, can I come over?"
"Yeah" I say softly
"K b, be right over"
"Bye jakey" I hang up, his voice and smile lights up my day, I think I have feelings
*skip to Jake being over* I hear a knock
"Come innnn" i drag the n. Jake walks in with a bouquet of red roses...the fuck?
"Miss Barlow, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend" I'm swept off my feet, what!?
"Uh.. oh my God yes Jake" I look up at him smiling ear to ear. He comes up to me and hugs me, I pull away and our lips connect, they were do warm and welcoming. I've been waiting to do this for a while.
(sorry for all the time skip just trust me;)
*Next day*
Me and Jake constantly text, mostly we snap each other cause we use the stupid filters, I also love spying on him through the explore part, as creepy as it sounds I guess...
*Next day*
Colby said his best friend Sam was coming over tomorrow and most likely will sleepover, I didn't really give a shit...
*Next day*
Me and Jake have been together for 3days, constantly snapping lol. Today I meet Colbys friend Sam,and I get my cast thingy off in 2 days it's great... I'm in my room drawing my favorite YouTubers, I love drawing people it's my passion. I'm drawing the Dolan twins...I love them so much(sorry I had to) I hear the front door open and I know Sam is here I decide to go introduce myself. I walk downstairs seeing Colby and Sam talking and laughing. Sam is about the same height as Colby, blond hair, and he's pretty skinny.
"Uh hey, I'm Willow Colbys Stepsister." I lean against the door frame looking at them
"Hey I'm Sam" he smiles at me
"I'm gonna go back upstairs if you need me." I smile and walk upstairs. I decide to text Jake cause I'm bored. He doesn't respond for like an hour and I start to get worried. I check his snap's off? I'm gonna go to his place hopefully he's ok. Colby and Sam are in the living room still.
"Jake's not responding to me gonna head over there" I didn't really tell Colby we started dating but I bet he can tell
"Ok" is what he simply responds with.
"Can I use your car?"
"Yeah go ahead"
"Thank you" The drive doesn't take long,  I go to the second floor apartment 32b I go up to the door and decide to not knock. I know he keeps a key under the mat. Stupid idea to be honest. I open the door quietly, I shut it quietly and I hear..moaning..? I go to Jake's room, I mean it could just be him right? I go up to the door it gets louder...I know it's not just Jake... My heart breaks Colby was right. I open the door seeing a girl on top of Jake. They were fucking. Jake was cheating on me.
"Oh my God... Jake" I can hear the heartbreak in my voice...I'm to tired to be angry.
"W-willow!?" He pushes the girl off him
"Damn, 3 Days it took you to get sick of me" tears streaming down my cheeks,my vision is blurry.
"N-no Willow i-its not that let m-me explain" his cheeks are red.
"Just save it before my heart fully breaks" I say and I walk out of his apartment soon I hear footsteps behind me...I don't want to face him.
"We're done." I yell as loud as I can. I start running, faster than I have ran in a while. I get in Colby's car and I start driving as soon as possible. I didn't look back. I ran up to the front door, opened it and slammed it shut and I locked it. I put my back to the door, I'm still unable to breath, I slowly sink down to the ground my face buried in my knees. I can't breathe and it hurts, but it feels good.. tears are everywhere, snot building up. I didn't even see or hear Sam and Colby for a while.
"WILLOW!?" I hear Sam's voice, Colby left, I soon see him running down the stairs, with my inhaler. He came up and lifted my head and put the inhaler in my mouth. I breathe it in instantly feeling lifted of the weight but it still hurts. I put my head back down and then I hear knocking, Sam getting up to look.
"Jake?" I hear his name
"NO" I look up and scream at Sam, it kinda scares him. I get up unlock the door.
"Willow thank g-"
"Save the excuses you dumbass. 3 days and you couldn't help your self. Fuck you. Oh and by the way usually when a women is moaning that loud it's fake. Have fun with her and your tiny dick." I go inside and slam the door on him. I run up the stairs seeing Colby and Sams faces for a second. Shocked, is what I would say. I go into my room and lock the door...I look at the roses he gave me, I grab the vase and chuck it on the ground, it breaks into a million pieces, I pick up the bigger pieces and throw them on the ground. I then start screaming bloody murder.
"WHY! WHY ME!?" I scream. I slowly sink to the ground, my wrist throbbing, my hands are bloody but I don't care. I feel like a waterfall bursted out of my eyes. I hear the doorknob jiggling and people yelling, I don't move a muscle, I just don't care enough. It stops but comes back, the door swings open and I see Colby. He seems frantic, he rushes over to me and hugs me first.
"It's ok babygirl,I'm here" he whispers in my ear. I don't say anything.

Author: double digits equal smut in my world.. get ready, I hope you like it so far this chapter was fun to write
Sorry for all the time skipsjust ok m lazy lol
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I just edited some parts because I can't spell apparently lol

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