Chapter: 19

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Chapter: 19
"You get ready" I smirk and shove him into the bed ripping my shirt off. And so does he. Before anymore happens I step outside his room,
"My mom is calling be down in a bit" I yell down to Val
"Ok!" She yells back. I go back to Colby.
I start taking my pants off so I'm in my panties and bra. I go on my knees and start taking Colby's pants off slowly. Smirking at him I get right into it removing his boxers. I lick his tip and then put my whole mouth around his huge dick. I hear small moans escape his mouth
"You have to be quiet babyboy" I smirk I start sucking again taking as much in as I can.
"Ah willow fuck" he moans, I love how my name rolls off his tongue. I feel his warm liquids fill my mouth and I don't hesitate to swallow. He's about to get up but I push him back down.
"Sit against the headboard" I demand him to. I take the rest of my undergarments off and grab a condom. I slowly put it on and then I start to get in position.
"Going for a ride huh" Colby has a cheeky grin on his face. I get on top of him straddling his body, I slowly put his dick inside if me. Causing both of us to moan. I start bouncing up and down feeling the pleasure, my hands are tangled in his hair, his hands on my hips. Our foreheads are touching, both breathing heavily. I look into his eyes and he looks back, he starts moaning louder and I kiss him to muffle the moan. I feel the knot in my stomach, I break the kiss and but my head in the crook of his neck. I feel him thrust into me harder. I start sucking on his neck to silent my moans.
"Ohh fuck I'm gonna cum" I hear a deep throaty moan escape his lips.
"Ah fuck Colby" I released all over his dick. I get up quickly and get dressed. I look at him and smirk, then I wink and go to my room. I hear someone come up stairs so I pretend to go on my phone
"Yeah, love you Mom, bye" I say and pretend to hang up.
"So you're done?" I hear Valerys voice
"Uh yeah" damn almost caught
"Let's go back downstairs" I smile at her and we head downstairs.
"I'm hungry" I hear Valery say, and Colby comes downstairs
"I'm not hungry anymore" I look at Colby and he's smirking
I smile and giggle back.
damn what is this boy doing to me?

Author: woe 20 chaps already:)))
I can't wait for the future of this book.
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I'ma get some Brennan drama soon so stay tuned;)
Iiillllyyyyyyyyy and I appreciate the shit out of you guys reading my crap books:')
I think it's really funny how I started writing a Dolan twins fanfic and here I am about 5 books
thanks for reading, I love reading all of the comments they make me really happy;)
I love the shit outs you:)

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