Chapter: 29

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Chapter: 29

I wake up Colby still next to me, I dont feel like getting up at all. I stay put and i just lay there trying to fall back to sleep. Until im rudely interrupted by my Mother calling me.

"What the fuck do you want"
"Crabby i see, wake up, we are going out for brunch."

"Fine Ill call you when we're ready."

"Ok bye sweetie love you."

I hang up the phone and groan.

"Wake up cooobyyyyy" (yes. Cooby, -

"Mmmmm" He groaned.

"We gotta go out to brunch you loser get ready." I get up and spank his ass

"OUCH" he yelled, i start to giggle. I grab my phone and put Lover on. I take a shower and i wash my hair.  I pick out my outfit for the day. Its hot as shit so i wear an off the shoulder white croptop with jeanshorts, I wear sandals to top it off. I put this thermo stuff on my hair and blow dry it. I start brushing it out and The Man comes on. I start dancing and using the brush as a microphone.

"I would be complex, I would be cool..." Im dancing and doing my thing walking out of the bathroom. Colby looks at me and starts laughing.

"Id be a fearless leader.." still being super dramatic and putting a show on.

"Id be the man, Id be the man" I preform the whole song.

"God what a work out" I sigh and bend over catching my breath.

"I loved it" Colby is smiling and giggling.

"Glad you did" I start laughing too. I go back into the bathroom and finish getting ready. Then Colby goes and does his shit. I go and sit on the bed waiting for him to get ready i scroll through twitter. He comes out of the bathroom wearing a black tank top and shorts with his slides. His hair is still wet. I look at him, maybe a bit to long.

"Jeez take a picture or something you creep" He laughs and so do i.

"Let me do youre hair" I smile at him.

"No, my hair is like my son"

"Come on, trust meeee" I whine to him

"Fine, you mess my son up, ill mess you up" He laughs. I start off by blow drying it and then i style it. Im pretty good at this.

"Im donnnnne" He looks in the mirror

"Wow, pretty good. Wifey material af" I giggle at his response. I go out of the bathroom and grab my phone to call my mom.

"We're ready"

"Ok, meet us at the car.

"Come on cooby" I like the new nickname, not sure if he does

"Cooby?" He says in a questioning tone

"Fine want me to call you daddy all the time." His cheeks go red but he doesnt say anything

"Daddy brock" I bite my lip and laugh after.

"Willow stoppp" He says, I know im turning him on.

"No teasing remember" He looks at me straight in the eyes.

"Sorry daddy" I mumble looking down, I cant contain my laughter. I hear a big breathy sigh from him. We walk out of the hotel and go to where we parked. My mom and Andy already waiting.

"Finally" Andy mutters,

"Somebody must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I mumble in an annoyed tone. The ride there was silent, and awkward silence, I grabbed my phone and texted Val.

~Stepbrother~Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now