Chapter: 15

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Chapter: 15

Im sitting in my room and i hear a knock

"Come in" I see Colby come in

"So, jake is here, and i know you dont wanna talk to him, but maybe he will leave you alone if you do."

"Youre right. Lets go" i go downstairs and Jake is leaning against the wall, sam is on the couch.

"Ok Jake. 5 minutes." I cross my arms and lean on my right leg.

"Ok thank you willow, I just wanted to say that im sorry, and i made a big mistake doing that, I like you a lot, and i want to get you back." He looks down at the ground.

"Youre shitting me right?" I look at him. I grab my phone and pull up the insta post.

"You have the balls to come over here, unannounced, and you posted this a day ago? I never thought you would break the record of 3 days"

"H-how did you see that?"

"You posted it to the public! How could you do this! Jake i came home that night and i literally wanted to die, I cut my hand from throwing a vase. If Colby wasnt there i could be dead! Fuck you Jake, how would i know you wouldnt do it again. You have a girlfriend and youre asking me to be youre girlfriend. God youre such a fuckboy!"

"Willow im not trust me I-"
"Ugh I bet you just wanna fuck me. Its ok, thats what every other boy ive met did to. Love that for me." tears are falling down my cheek

"I love whoring around and being a slut!" thats it it sent me over the edge.

"Willow youre not a slut." Colby grabs my wrist but i escape his grip.

"Sorry that youre feelings are hurt, i dont forgive you Jake, hopefully some day i will, move on and leave me alone." I push past Jake and go outside and i start running, no destination, im just running away. I end up at Starbucks, the place i went the first time i ran off, where I met Jake. I order something and sit down collecting my thoughts, Colby is blowing up my phone. I decide to go get something to eat, so i get my latte and walk to the walmart in town, its not that far. I go inside and head over to the chips with a hand help cart i grab some tortilla chips and salsa, then i go to get something to drink, when im turning the corner i run into someone.

"Oh- Im sorry" I look up and its the guy from the party.

"Oh hey- uh its fine" He smiles at me, and i smile back

" I saw you at that party, my name is Willow" I stick my hand out for him to shake.

"Yeah! Im Brennen Taylor"

"I would stick around and talk but i should get going, my step brother is probably going crazy" I look at him

"Oh ok yeah, um can i get youre number?"

"Yeah for sure" I put my number in his phone,

"Text me whenever" I smile at him

"K babe" He winks at me and walks past me. I start to blush. I grab my water and head to the cash register and pay for my stuff and start walking home. When i get there i open the door, Colby looks stressed as fuck, and sam is trying to chill him out. Of course Jake is still here too. I open the door and dont look at any of them. The room goes quiet as i go to the stairs.

"Leave me alone, im going to sleep" I mumble and i stomp up the stairs to my room and i slammed the door. A few minutes later i hear a knock

"What do you think leave me alone mean?"

"I just wanted to talk." Colby says through the door, i debate whether letting him in or not.

"Lets talk tomorrow," I turn my light off and get into bed, I hear him sigh

"Ok goodnight willow"

"Night" I turn around and drift off to sleep.

Author: ok its 4:45am  im going to bed. sorry if this chapter is boring, for real drop ideas in the comments please.

Also i know Brennen isnt from Kansas but i wanted to include him, so use your imagination

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