Chapter: 6

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Chapter: 6
I wake up and go downstairs right away I'm hungry af, I look at the time and it's 9am, i make a smoothie and Colby walks in, in shorts. That's it, I look away not wanting him to see me staring.
"Morning" he smiles at me and I smile back. I grab my smoothie and sit at the table. I decide to text Jake
Willow: hey it's ur stalker
Jake: damn wanna fuck
Willow: omg yess daddy
Jake: fuck let's do it
I start laughing so hard and Colby gives me a concerned look
Willow: jeez Jake it's Willow the girl you met at Starbucks
Jake: ....
Jake: still, offers on the table
Willow: my God you are a fuck boy
Jake: no I'm not I was joking
Willow: but what if I said I'd fuck you, you know you would have done it
Jake: ok tru but that doesn't prove I'm a fuckboy
Willow: then prove me wrong
Jake: ok then I'd like to ask you on a proper date today at 11:30, we can go out to lunch and go hiking
Willow: sounds like a plan:)
I go on insta and notice Colby sat down in front of me,
I get a text from Valery
Val: be there at 2:)
"My cousin is coming over at 2"
He looks up at me
"Ok I'm cool with that" I finish my smoothie and go upstairs and take a shower and get ready for today. I wear black leggings my black Nikes and a tank top cause it's hot and I'm gonna be exercising. I put light makeup on and put my hair into a bun. I check the time and it's 11:22am I go downstairs and see Colby on the couch
"Where are you going?"
"Like it's your business, but I have a date"
"With who"
"My daddy." I wink at him, he seems flustered
"It's Jake. Who else do I know in this city" I laugh and go to the door
"I'll be back later" I say and walk out of the house and Jake pulls up right then,
"Hey" I smile and get into his car.
"Hey beautiful" he smiles back
*skip date cause nothin spicy happens"
We pull into my driveway and it's 1
"I had so much fun" I giggle
"Yeah I did too" he smiles
"Um wanna come inside? Colby's here and we could hang out a bit more"
"Yeah sure" we walk up to the door and Jake is saying a bunch of stupid jokes makinge laugh. I open the door laughing like crazy I put my stuff on the counter and Colby's on the couch with clothes on now.
"Hey Colby" Jake says walking to the couch
"Hey brotherrr" Colby says and they do a bro hug or something
They start talking and I just zone out looking on insta. Eventually I look up from my phone and I go and jump on Jake's lap.
"I'm bored." I pout
"My cousin won't be here till 2"
"Wellllll you're it!" He pushes me off of him and he runs away. I get up and look at Colby and I smirk, I tag him
"You're it!" I run up the stairs to go hide
I hear footsteps and I see Jake I grab him and push him into my closet with me. I can't really see but I know he's smirking. We're really close and I like it. I hear Colby
"Willlowwww jakkkkeeee" I hear him enter my room and I go stiff. Suddenly the closet door opens and Colby scares me and I scream. I run out of the closet and head towards the stairs and Jake runs the other way. Colby of course, came after me. I run down the stairs, a little bit to fast. Next thing I know I hear a loud crack noise and I feel a burning sensation on my wrist.
Oh fuck

Author: bRoThEr
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