Chapter: 13

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Chapter: 13

Its around 5pm and i start to get ready cause im bored. I take a shower and blow dry my hair, I decide to curl it. I sit down and start to do my makeup, a black smokey eye with some gold in the inner corner. I put black lipstick on to match. I grab my dress that Valery had bought me a few months ago that i havent been able to wear. Its a black dress with lace on the top going to the back where its all open. The lace goes down my arms making sleeves, it exposes my chest pretty well, It goes down to about mid thigh, its pretty short. It also has a ribbon you can tie to the back to make a bow(sorry if i explained that bad) I check the time and its 7:30pm I go to Colbys room to ask him to tie this. I knock on his door,

"Come in" I walk into his room and hes only wearing shorts, immediately his face goes red

"Damn Willow" He whispers but i heard him and i smile,

"Can you tie this?" I point at my back.

"Yeah sure"

I turn around and he comes up behind me, he slowly grabs the ribbon from in front of me, his hands going over my waist, it gives me shivers. He ties it pretty fast.

"There you go" I turn around and hes biting his lip, I know what he wants, I do to.. I go up to his ear and say

"Me to Colby" and i pull back and wink, then i turn on my heel and leave. I grab my black combat boots and Val texts me

Val: coming early so we can take pics

Willow: k

Im sitting on the couch and i hear the door open

"Whats up biiittcchhh" I hear Valerys voice

"Hey girl!!" I get up and hug her

"Damn you look smexy" I wiggle my eyebrows and she laughs. Valery has green eyes, freckles, and brown medium length hair, shes wearing a dark red dress that hugs her body, showing her curves. She has red matching heels. She has her hair in a messy, but neat bun, and a dark red smokey eye with matching lipstick. She looks absolutely gorge

"Um excuse me, you look way better, you tryna score tonight?" she smirks at me

"Or do you have Col!" I stop her

"VALERY! NO" I whisper yell at her. She smirks and laughs.

"I mean you cant be saying thet shit cause when was the last time you got laid?" I have a smug look on my face

"Actually that Brad guy like a week ago. But hopefully tonight, there better be some eye candy there." She looks at me and smiles.

"You can get drunk tonight if you want, Im not gonna get drunk"

"You sure?"


"Lets take these bomb ass selfies" She says and laughs. I already brought my ring light out.

We take a bunch of selfies and then i go and put my ring light away. Right when i leave my room i hear some familiar noises. Colby moaning. I smirk and right before i head down stairs i yell to him

"See you later Colby, have fun!" and before he can say anything i rush down the stairs laughing like crazy.

"Come on lets go" I grab Valery as im rushing out the door.

"Whats your prob? I shut the door and laugh even harder, so hard that i fall on the ground, then i hear his voice

"Very funny Willow, Be safe" I look up and hes in the window. I laugh more. Val looks confused as ever. She helps me up and we go to her car. I finally stop laughing

"He was jerking off and i heard him moaning" I start laughing again Vals mouth is wide open in surprise

"Oh my god" She starts laughing too.

"Lets go" I start to control myself and we start driving to the party.

*At the Party*

We pull up to the house, music blasting, The house is really big and is in the middle of no where, Its surrounded by woods.

"Ready?" Val looks at me

"Let the party begin bitches" I smile and get out of the car.

Right when we walk in a few guys stare at us, one of them whistled and winked at me, I felt good, I felt attractive. Me and Val head over to the drinks and i grab some Wine, she gets something else probably filled with a lot of alcohol.

"Hottie 12 O'clock" Val whispers in my ear and i look at whos shes talking about. Hes already looking at me biting his lip. Damn he was hot. He was wearing a button down shirt with his chest slightly exposed. I see him start to make his way over to me but someone grabs me

"Hey baby" Its Jake

"Jake, get away from me" I can smell the alcohol on his mouth

"Come on willow" I see the lust in his eyes.

"Go fuck someone, you need it" I push him off and see Valery talking to some guy. I dont see the hot guy anywhere anymore. I decide to go outside and take a break. I'm sitting on the swing in the backyard thinking about Colby. I dont even know why, but i am. I go back inside to refill my cup, but with water. I set it down for a second then i see some sketchy dude walk past it, pretty sure he dropped something in there. I grab it and see a chalk residue in the water, I pretend to drink it because i want the person to think i dont know. I go to find Val, shes talking to a cute guy,

"Hey Val can I talk to you?" I pull her aside not letting her answer

"Whats up?"

"Someone tried to drug me, what do we do?"

"Um we should leave, dont want you to get hurt"

"Ok, im scared" She grabs my hand

"Its ok lets go" She goes up to the guy and gives her number to him, then we leave. We are in the car and i have a bad feeling. I got lost in my thoughts and didnt realize i was home. I get out and thank Val and go up to the door. Its locked. Of course. I go up to her window

"Its locked i gotta go through the back Ill be ok" She smiles at me

"Ok bye Willow"

I walk to the gate and she drives away. I get an even worse feeling and i hear something behind me. I hurry up and go to the backyard and shut the gate. Someones hands grab me by my waist, I start to scream and kick. They put there hand around my mouth and it muffled my screams. I find an oppurtunity and i kick them in the balls, they drop me and i punch them in the throat. I run up to the back door open the door and slam it shut. I lock it quickly. I catch my breath and realize what just happened. I sprint up the stairs, going to the only person, tears streaming down my face, Im violently shaking.

"COLBY?!" I say loud as i burst through his door.

"Willow whats wrong?" He gets off his bed. I run up to him and jump into his arms, my legs around his waist. He holds me and whispers "its ok" In my ear.

"A-a m-man g-grabbed m-me in the b-backyard" I barely can say

"What!?" Colby lays me down on his bed

"Colby be careful!" I can barely say because hes already out of his room. Im so tired and exhausted that i feel my eye lids get sleepy. Then im out cold.

Author: honestly dont know if this is to much, i feel like every fanfic has this so im trying to make mine different. can you guys comment some good drama i could put in, i really wanna make good chapters. I feel like im close to a writers block... but i dont want to stop writing, so please leave feedback and ideas.

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have a good night/day

(its 2am


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