Chapter: 14

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Chapter: 14

I wake up in Colbys bed, without him in it. I'm wearing a shirt and shorts, all my makeup is off too. I have a little head ache, I start to remember what happened yesterday and i panick. I rush down the stairs and see Colby making food. I sigh in relief, he looks up at me and smiles.

"Goodmorning Willow"

"Goodmorning...what the fuck happened yesterday?"

"Well i went downstairs and looked around outside and saw nothing, when i came back you were asleep so i changed you..dont worry i tried not to look. Then i took youre makeup off and slept on the couch" I didnt know what to say

"Thanks Colby, and you could have just woke me up" I laugh

"Yeah but you went through a lot, so i just let you sleep" he smiles at me

"Thank you" i sit down at the counter and grab an apple

"Jake was at the party last night, he tried talking to me again." I roll my eyes thinking about it

"Jake is so annoying, me and Sam stopped hanging out with him."

"Good" I get off the counter and go grab my phone, I start scrolling through insta. My face drops when i see someones post. Jakes

"Love you baby, love holding youre hand" its a picture of Jake and some girl holding hands and kissing.

"What the fuck!" I say out loud, i go up to my room out of frustration and scream into my pillow.

"Willow?" I hear the worry in Colbys voice. I get off of my bed. Look Colby straight into the eyes. And i say.

"Fuck me" his eyes turn almost black with lust. He comes up to me and smashes his lips against mine. His hands around my waist, my hands go up to his hair and i start tugging it lightly causing him to moan. His hands trail to my ass and he squeezes it lightly. Our tongues down each others throats. He pushes me on to the bed still kissing me, My hands go down his neck to his abs. His shirt was already off, hes leaning over me and i can feel his boner. My right hand trails to his waist, down to his dick. I start palming him through his shorts causing him to maon on my lips, I smirk. He breaks the kiss and takes my shirt off, Im still in my white lace bra from yesterday, He bites his lip as he looks at my chest. He then starts sucking my neck down to my breasts, he swiftly removes my bra and hes sucking on my tits. Moans escape my mouth.

"Colby" I say. He keeps sucking but his hand goes down to my shorts and his hand slips in. He starts rubbing my clit.

"Oh fuck Colby" I moan. He stops ripping my shorts off, I smirk at him, His head slowly goes down to my heat. His hand brushes over me

"Oh come on Colby" I Whine

"Stop whining princess" He bites his lip, I instantly stop breathing, so dominant. His tongue plunges into me. Hes rubbing my clit with his right hand, the other holding my legs down.

"C-colby, fuck, fuck, fuck, It feels so good" I moan. My back is arched out of pleasure. I uncontrollably start to roll my eyes from the pleasure. I feel the knot tighten in my stomach. My breath begins to come un even

"Uh-huh-oh fuckkkkk" I moan as i cum

"Im never gonna get sick of that taste" Colby comes up and smirks.

I get off the bed and push him to make him sit on the bed. I Kneel down and slowly take his shorts off. Hes not wearing underwear so his boner springs up. I start rubbing his dick slowly, Colbys moans fill my ears,

"Like music to my ears" I say and start sucking his dick. Taking in his massive size trying to fit it all in my mouth. I start licking his tip teasing him, but i continue sucking

"W-willow f-fuck" He says in his low sexy voice tuerning me on more.

"Ah fuck, Willow, baby" He moans and cums in my mouth. Cum is dripping from my mouth. I stand up and wipe my mouth.

"Im never gonna get sick of that taste" I smirk at him, I grab a condom in my nighstand. I rip it open and slowly put it on him. Right when its on he gets up and slams me against the wall, his hand on my neck. It hurt but turned me on

"You listen to me, and follow my rules. Am i clear?"

"Yes" I can barely say, hes choking me lightly.

"Rule one, nicknames are aloud, Rule two, dont anger or sexually frustrate me, or youll get punished, rule three, fuck me hard." He whispers the last one

"Got it" I smirk and bite my lip. He lets go of me and pushes me onto the bed, without warning he slams into me. His thrusts going harder every other one

"Ohhh. Colby faster" I moan, I hear his grunts and moans

"How about daddy?" I bite my lip

"Make me cum daddy" I feel him go faster, daddy is a good one.

"Oh fuck baby" He grunts, we are both a moaning mess. My legs start to shake he knows im close.

"Colby, oh fuck, im gonna cum, im gonna cum" I repeat it over feeling my climax coming.

"Oh shitttt" I say as my walls crumble around him, I feel him cum inside me. He pulls out, we're both out of breath. My hair is a mess, we are both sweaty. Then i hear the doorbell ring, colbys face goes white.

"Shit I forgot sam was coming over" He rips the condom off and runs to his room. I put on a tshirt and shorts and run down stairs opening the door for Colby. I forgot about my hair.

"Her willow, you look like a mess, what were you doing?" He starts laughing my face goes white

"Uh, um working out" I smile and let him inside

"Oh makes sense"

"Colby should be down in a sec" I smile and hear Colby come down the stairs wearing a tshirt and shorts, he fixed his hair up and wiped the sweat off his face.

"Hey sam" He says and looks at me

"Ill be upstairs if you need me" I smile and start walking upstairs, when i pass Colby i wink.

Damn that was good sex. Fuck Jake Webber

Author: ahhhhh its 3am:'(((( i cant stop writing though lol

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