Chapter: 8

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Chapter: 8
I turn around and look at Colby,
"Well I'm gonna go inside and chill in my room"
"Ok same" he gets up and we walk inside in silence. I go to my room and sit on my bed, I knew this was gonna happen, that's why I wanted Val to sleep over. I start thinking of memories, good and bad. Today is the day I got home from the library and started doing my math homework, my mom was crying and she told me that my dad died. It broke me, I couldn't function, right when she told me I wanted to fall asleep and never wake up. I feel the tears running down my face, the sobs leaving my mouth, quiet, but filled with emotions. The night before he died we had gotten into an argument about my homework, in the end he was right, but I never told him that.
"why...just why" I can barely say, I start to feel heavily weighted, I can't breathe. You know when you're crying and start to hyperventilate, that's me on my floor with a hoodie and a pair of shorts on. I get up a few grab my inhaler, I have asthma, it's on the verge of being bad but it's not there yet. I take it and I try to call down but I can't.
"It's not fair, it wasn't you're time" I say pretty loudly starting to get angry
"I NEED YOU" I scream out loud and pick up the nearest thing and throw it. I then sink down to the floor and cry more
"dad I need you, I can't live without you anymore"
I whisper and I hear my door open, making no effort to look
"Willow what's wrong?" I hear his voice
"Willow" I can't talk, I feel his hand on my back and then he picked me up, he softly lays me in my bed leaning over me.
"What's wrong.." he asks in a soft caring voice.
"My will to live" I'm able to say, I feel his grip tighten around me
"I can't do this anymore, I'm giving up" I say in a low voice
"Willow you can't give up, you're mom's here, Jake is, Valery, especially me"
"Colby why do you even give a shit about me,"
I ask in a normal curious voice
"You're different" that's all he says
"That's what my dad would always say, he said it was one of the best qualities of me."
"He definitely wasn't wrong"
"Colby I miss him so much, he was my family, right after my dad died like a month after my mom was whoring around. I still love her but it crushed me" I rant to him and he just listens, his hands going through my hair.
"My life is a fucking mess, and my dad isn't here to help me solve it like he always was"
"I would say everything will be fine, but I don't know, all I know is I'll be here for you, you just gotta move onwards and upwards"
"I'll try" is all I manage to say, I cuddle closer to him pushing my head against his chest, he doesn't say anything or move. My face is leaning on his neck, his arms wrapped around me... Our legs intertwined. This is so wrong, but it feels so right.

Author: this chap tho😭 I forgot to mention I can't believe our boys won a TCA, they deserve it so much. Trust me it will get juicy soon I promise.
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