Chapter: 7

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Chapter: 7
I start to get up but Colby scoops me up into his arms,
"Fuck it burns" I look at my left wrist and it's already getting puffy and turning purple.
"Jake grab some ice and let's go to the hospital" Colby sounds very worried
"I think I'm fine" I start to move my wrist and it hurts so bad I wimper
"Ok maybe I'm not" I feel a tear come down my cheek. Colby is putting me in the back seat of his car, Jake comes out of the house and sits in the back and gives me the ice pack and my phone.
"Thank you" I pick my phone up and dial my mom's number
"Here we go" I mumble before I hit the call button.
"Hey sweetie! How's everything going?"
"Um not good. This might sound really stupid but me Colby and Jake, we were playing tag and I was running down the stairs and I slipped. Now I'm on my way to the hospital cause I'm pretty sure I broke my wrist..."
"Oh Willow! I'll be right there baby!"
"Ok mom thanks see you there"
I hang up the phone, Jake is looking at me
"She's gonna kick my ass later" I say and look at my wrist
"Sorry it was my fault Willow" I hear Colby chime in
"No I should have slowed down on the stairs" I hear my phone go off
Val: one
"Fuck Valery" I mumble
I dial her number and call her
"Heyyy I'm so excited!"
"About that Val..I'm gonna have to cancel for now, I mean if you want to meet me at the hospital you can"
"Willow! What's wrong?"
" I was playing tag, I know right sounds stupid, but I was running away from Colby and I slipped down the stairs and I think I broke my left wrist"
"Oh my God Willow, yeah I'll meet you there, you still have to tell me more about that text"
"Oh shut up not now. Bye bitch" I hang up the phone
"Here" Colbys low voice says
I open the door and go into the hospital and they take me back right away.
*Three hours later*
I told Jake to go home and Colby, but Colby refused. My mom was there and worried as ever and so was Val. The doctor comes in after forever.
"Ok Willow so you didn't brake anything luckily, you just sprained it really bad" that's a relief I didn't want to wear a cast forever.
"We have some pain medicine and a brace you can wear for about 3 weeks.
"Ok sounds great" I say impatient I just wanna go home. my mom is talking to the doctor and then she comes up to me.
"Ok sweetie I'm gonna go back to work, Colby can you take them home?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Ok take care of my girl you two" she laughs and heads out
"I'm eating and sleeping when I get home" I get up and walk past Colby and Valery. I hear them both laugh
We get into the car and I sit in the front with Colby snatching the aux cord before he can. I play my depressed playlist. idontwannabeyouanymore came on by Billie Eilish, I feel like I've always related to this song.
"if tear drops could be bottled, there'd be swimming pools filled by models" I get really emotional by songs, especially ones I can relate too. The house wasn't that far away so we got home soon after.
"Come on Val, new house tour" I roll my eyes. she knows how much I don't wanna be here.
"Nice place though," we walk into the living room.
"Yeah but I was fine with my cute little emo room"
"You're emo?" Colby looks at me from the kitchen table.
"I mean sorta, I definitely went through an emo phase"
"OH MY GOD YES I REMEBER" Val starts laughing like crazy
"Ok it wasn't that bad"
"Willow it was fucking bad"
"Shut up" I throw a pillow at her. Colby is at the kitchen table and is smiling so hard.
"wanna swim? Haven't been able to test the pool out yet" I look at Val,
"Yeah let's gooooo" I look at Colby smirking at me and the he winks. Damnnn his eyes though
I get dragged up the stairs and I show Val my room. I changed into a plain black bikini and Val had a white one piece on. I grab my speaker and my phone and we head out to the pool. Colby is no longer in the kitchen.
"Let's parttyyyy"
"Not to hard don't actually wanna break my wrist" we both laugh. I put my party playlist on, I'm not trying to be down about everything but I know it's gonna come later...
The song "Life of The Party" by Shawn Mendes comes on, Val insisted we have song good Shawn jams on the playlist.
"WE DONT YAVE TO BE LONELY, SO BABY BE THE LIFE OF THE PARTY" me and Val are screaming and dancing to the music.
"Mind if I join ladies" I hear the low "daddy" voice as I would describe it. Colby. I turn around to face him
"Yeah sure" I smile
"Cool" he sets his towel down and takes his shirt off. Damn I was not prepared for this sight. I feel my cheeks burning with a vibrant red color. I turn around and look at Val smirking up a storm. I swear if she says anything, she is dead.
"I loveeeee this song" I hear Val say, I know how badly she wanted to point this out. But I gave her the death stare.
I sit down cause my wrist starts to hurt
"damn" I mumble under my breath.
"I'm really sorry Willow, that was my fault for sure I shouldn't have chased you and i-"
"Shut it Brock. It was my mistake, don't feel guilty." he doesn't even say anything.
"Well, my dad said he would be here at 6, sorry I couldn't sleepover" Val looks at me with a frown
"No it's ok, I love sitting iny room and crying all the time, it's sorta the norm now" I half smile and fake laugh because it's true. I totally forgot Colby was right there
"Willow, go out and socialize, I mean ask that kid Jake to go out again he's pretty cute" she smiles at me. I heard Colby shift a bit in the chair
"Yeah probably will" I lie to her, I know what my plans will consist of tonight.
"Ok good, love you sis, text me whenever babe" we hug again and she whispers something in my ear
"So tell me if you fuck"
I have a feeling she's not talking about Jake...

Author: sorry I haven't updated in a while, I really don't know where this story is going but all I know is....
Sorry you'll just have to wait
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