Chapter: 17

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Chapter: 17
I put on a black Nike sports bra, and black athletic leggings to match.i grab a light sweatshirt for if I need it. I put my hair in a ponytail and I grab my phone. I also put a bit of lipgloss on and mascara. I put my best pair of tennis shoes on, I look in the mirror,
"They gonna be all over me" I smirk. I decide to head downstairs
"Almost ready just gotta get some water" I say walking past the boys, still on the couch. I sneak a peak at them and Colby's biting his lip and Nate's staring. I wonder why Sam never looks, did Colby tell Sam..?? I mean I told Valery, shit I bet he knows. I grab a water bottle fill it up and I sit on the counter.
"Ready" I smile at them,
"Ok let's go" Colby says getting off the couch.
"I call shotgun" I get up and go out the door first, no one argued with me. I let someone else play music cause I don't really care. I put my feet on the dash and take a picture for my insta story the caption said hiking with the boys:) I posted it and put my phone down. It's kinda chilly in la today, that's why I brought the sweatshirt.
"Where we going" I look at Colby
"It's like a campsite but there's hiking trails too"
"Ok cool"
"I don't know if you're mom told you put my dad likes to camping so we would come here alot"
"Oh cool I'm down with camping" I smirk at him and bite my lip, his face has a tint of red.
"Here" Colby says I smile and get out of the car. I keep seeing Nate checking me out, I don't usually lead guys on but it makes Colby jealous so why not.
"So Nate, tell me about you" I give him a soft smile. He tells me stuff about him that I don't really care about
"You got a girl?" I raise one eyebrow and look at him
"No, what about you?" I see Colby look at me
"Well I did go to this party, and I saw this really hot guy but I had to leave before I got to talk to him. But then I ran into him at Walmart the other day and I gave him my number. Hopefully he's not another Jake." I roll my eyes
"Ah ok" Nate looks down
"Sam do you have a girlfriend, you never really talk" I laugh
"Nope" he pops the p.
"We just a bunch of single boys" he says
"So you're not seeing anyone Colby?"
"Well not really, but I did meet this girl and we hooked up a few times" he laughs and Nate is ooing in the background, I fake smile, is he talking about me..? Or some other girl, or did he just say it to make me jealous
"Wow thought you would be a virgin after you told me you weren't a fuckboy" I laugh and so do the other guys.
"We I'm not Willow. You aren't so innocent either are you?" He has a smirk on his face
"I mean I've only fucked like 3 guys. But apparently other people know how many times I've had sex so at my old town I apparently had sex with over 10 different guys" I roll my eyes
"Thank God I was homeschooled." I look down
"Yeah people are just dumbasses" Sam says
"Mostly guys... You should take offense to that" I laugh
"Hey. I'm a gentleman" I hear Colby's voice
"Aw why yes that lady probably loved you fucking her anywhere" I laugh at him and so do the other guys. We've been hiking for about 10 minutes now and I see a few campers. I look around and I see him. Fuck.
Drew Scott. The guy I lost my virginity to, the one who started the rumors, it was freshman year.
"Shit, hide me!" I hide in the other side of Colby
"Why what's wrong Willow?" Colby asks
"Guy over there, Drew Scott, freshman year, first guy I ever fucked and he started the rumors about me. Tall brown hair, Nike sweatshirt." The guys look over at him and he looks back. Shit
"Willow Barlow?!" I hear his voice, it's disgusting
"Drew." I look him up and down
"How have you been? Long time no see"
"I would have loved to keep it that way, but I'm doing great," I roll my eyes
"That's good, you got a boyfriend?" I know he won't leave me alone so I do what any girl would do. I grab Sam.
"Yeah this is Sam" I smile at him and look at Sam.
"Hey I'm Sam" he smiles. Thank God he's going with it.
"This is my Stepbrother Colby, and our friend Nate" I say
"Hi I'm Drew" he shakes all of there hands
"Well I have important things to do, uh nice seeing you drew"
"Bye Willow" he smirks at me and winks. I almost puke right then and there. I start walking pretty fast until we are far away
"Ew fuckkkkkk" I sigh
"Sounds like a douche" Colby says
"Thank you thank you thank you Sam" I hug him
"Yeah no problem" he laughs.
"I did it cause he wouldn't have left me alone if I didn't say I had a boyfriend" I roll my eyes
"Yeah I get it" Sam says
"Let's keep walking, we should get to the hill" I point at a hill a few miles away.
"Yeah let's do it."
*At the hill*
That was a good hike, but now we gotta go back
"It's hotttt" Colby said and he took his shirt off. So did the other boys. Fuckkkk he's so god damn hot. I bite my lip and stare at him, he looks at me and smirks. I pretend to get a call.
"Hello, yeah sure see you later" I pretend to hang up.
"Uh Valery isn't busy so she's coming over later" I say, Colby knew something was up
"Yeah I gotta get home soon anyways" Nate says
"Well let's gooooo" I start walking down the trail. I couldn't shake the thought of Colby, and how I want his hands on my body. My shoe comes untied
"You guys can keep going I'll catch right up" they smile and continue there conversation. I see Colby stuck behind a bit. I turn my shoe and catch up to Colby, he smirks at me and whispers
"Daddy wants you too babygirl" he smirks. I melted at what he just said, I didn't even realize I wasn't breathing.
"Fuck" I mumble. And colby giggles. I give him the death stare.
"You're gonna regret it later." I wink and walk past him swaying my hips. I look back he's biting his lip, and I smirk. Shit the rule, not supposed to tease him....oh shit what's he gonna do...

Author: sorry for this boring ass chapter.
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should I post my pictures I've drawn of the traphouse? Lmk🥴

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