1- Unmanageable Youth

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I didn't put a note up earlier because I was in a hurry when I posted this. I had forgotten about some plans I'd made, so it was a last minute post, but there is a heavy mention of drugs in this chapter. I'm sorry if it starts off slow, but it will hopefully get better for you~♡ Please leave a comment and let me know what you think and please upvote the chapter.:3 Lots of love~♡♡♡


Jungkook leaned with his back pressed against the deteriorating brick wall shrouded in haunting shadows and shady characters. He tightened the rubbery tourniquet around his arm, his fingers feeling slightly numb as he pushed the needle into the steadily bulging vein in the crook of his elbow with his free hand. He leaned his head back against the wall, feeling the viscous liquid enter his body.

It felt weird to him as he sluggishly pulled the needle from his arm, his shady peers around him snickering. "How does it feel to inject the cocaine instead?" one asked, pinching the bridge of their nose. "I've always just snorted it," he explained, casting hazy eyes towards Jungkook. Jungkook smiled a wide bunny smile as he lifted his body off the wall with intensity. "It feels fucking fantastic! The high hits a lot faster and I feel rejuvenated," he stated excitedly, almost bouncing on the pads of his feet. "More, I need more."

Jungkook was too busy trying to get another needle in his arm that he didn't hear the distant voices of his concerned parents running towards him. He didn't realize he'd spoken so loud that his parents recognized his voice from the distant sidewalk. His unfocused gaze quickly turned toward his mother that threw herself at him to stop him, her hand accidentally hitting the syringe that was already in his vein and shoving it further into his arm.

He shouted a string of profane words as he tenderly pulled the needle from the wounded injection site, his delinquent friends scattering into the shadows. He glared at his mother, shoving her harshly into the wall behind her as his high crashed down on him. His father grabbed him harshly by the collar of his shirt, shouting and angry with his son for being aggressive with his mother. Without thinking or even realizing what he was doing, he punched his father square across his jaw and proceeded to beat his father into unconsciousness, holding him by his collar now.

His mother watched in absolute horror as Jungkook's fist connected with his father's face multiple times, her only option but to call the police on her youngest child. Jungkook was subdued and handcuffed before being taken into custody as his father was rushed to the emergency room.


Jungkook stood before a jury of his peers that following week, the jury was currently still out as they deliberated over his verdict. His expression twisted in torment as the jury reentered the courtroom. The judge's voice boomed over the pin drop silent room with a demand for Jungkook to stand for his verdict. Jungkook slowly stood to his feet as he was instructed, listening as the judge recounted his charges. "On the count of aggravated assault, your peers find you... guilty. On the count of possession of cocaine, your peers find you... guilty."

Jungkook visibly cringed at his verdict, his eyes widening in fear as he stared up at the judge with tear filled eyes to try and tug at the judge's heartstrings. "Now, young man," the judge started loudly, showing no signs of sympathy for Jungkook's tears. "Since you've only just turned 15 and this is your first offense, you were not tried as an adult. Although, you will be reprimanded to the care of the reform school, New Leaf. Where you will get clean and correct your miscreant behavior. You will not be allowed to leave until they see a change in this behavior," he announced, slamming his gavel down in the resounding silence. Jungkook could hear his mother's wailing cries fading into the distance as his world crashed down upon him.

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