Chapter XXV

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The girls and I were sitting in our usual spot under the oak tree during lunch. We were casually chatting when Neal walked up to us. "You guys just hang out here any chance you get don't you?" He snickered. "Yeah, it's a great place for lunch!" Rita giggled. "So what's up?" She added. "I actually came here to discuss a problem." He sighed in a lower tone than usual. "O-okay? What is it?" I stuttered. Neal squatted down and cleared his throat. "I don't really know how else to put this... But I think you have some things that belong to me." He said. "I don't think you lent anything to you recently... Are you sure?" I asked. "Well it's more like you stole them from me." He continued. "Are you crazy? I wouldn't-" The crouched boy interrupted me. "Do I have to spell it out? You took my girls." He bellowed in an irritated tone. "W-what?" I gasped. "Look, you can stop with the joke, you can't have any of them." I coughed getting freaked out. "You're really that oblivious? I'm sure with all the time you spent with those girls, they'd at least tell you where they came from." He groaned. "Come on Neal-" I was interrupted again. "Enough with that derogatory name! Please call me Hades!" He laughed standing up. I couldn't tell if he was serious or not, I didn't answer. "Need proof? Look here my Furies!" He grinned taking off his shades to reveal crimson eyes, identical to the Sisters' and his hair suddenly turned black. Alecto gripped my arm. I could feel her trembling heartbeat. "T-that really is... Lord Hades... I t-thought he looked familiar..." She muttered. I swiftly turned to my friend. "What the hell!? You were pretending to be my friend!? Why!?" I shouted jumping to my feet. "Actually, your school was expecting new students when my Furies decided to flee, thus I wanted to have a bit of fun while I was searching for them. Lucky me that the one mortal I befriended happened to pick up my girls for me! I sincerely thank you for the help." Hades explained still with a smug look plastered on his face. "I'm not giving them to you!" I objected grinding my teeth. "Then must we resort to violence? Girls?" He asked looking behind me. "Prepare yourself, we shall not return to you!" Megaera screamed creating her Talons. "No no, not now. I'll give you time to gather your thoughts. Let us meet tomorrow at dusk." Hades yawned turning around. "Oh, and don't even think of not coming, I'm very impatient... Who knows how many I would kill out of bordome." He laughed loudly walking away.

I fell to my knees and smashed the ground with my fist. "I wasn't ready for that! Neal..." I groaned. Rita sat beside me and patted my back. "We've got no choice, either him or us. Come on, we signed up for this remember? What happened to the guy that was gonna defend these girls with his life?" She murmured. "I-I guess you're right... But I just didn't think it was him..." I replied quietly. "It is slightly surprising to learn that was Lord Hades... But non the less, we must fight him. We knew this day would come." Megaera sighed approaching with her sisters. "We should retreat home and get well rested, we have a big event tomorrow!" Alecto suggested. We all agreed and started our walk home.

During the walk Tisiphone was holding on to my arm really tight. "This is just like when we first met, you wouldn't let go of me." I snickered. The Fury only nodded a little. "Hey, are you gonna be alright?" I asked slowing down the pace so we could talk without the others hearing. "I... I was not prepared... I did n-not think it would be this near..." She whispered shaking her head. "We knew it would happen." I answered. The youngest sister gripped my arm tighter. "That does not mean I would be fine with it..." She mewed. I stopped and grabbed Tisiphone by the hips and pulled her close. "You won't be going back with him. Not while I'm alive." I said kissing her. I was about to stop when the Fury held me there by wrapping her arms around the back of my neck. After we finally parted, Tisiphone whispered that she loved me and moved her arms from my neck to my abdomen and squeezed me. I noticed the other girls had stopped and were watch us. I blushed and told Tisiphone we should move along.

We walked in the house and I slammed the door. "Well girls, are you ready for this?" I grumbled. "We are ready, but are you?" Megaera sighed pointing to me. "I'm not too happy about fighting my former best friend, but you girls mean more to me than him." I answered pacing. "We just need to be well rested for our battle..." Alecto yawned quietly. "Then let's get some sleep." I said heading to my room. "Goodnight." Rita murmured going to her bedroom. I stopped the girl and hugged her from behind. "Everything's gonna be fine." I assured silently into her ear. "It better be." She replied placing her hand on mine. The girl then turned around and gave me a small peck before shutting her door. I got into bed and quickly fell asleep.

Then I woke up around midnight to the surprise of my chest being lighter. I left the bed without disturbing the other Furies and went to the living room. Just as expected, the smallest girl was curled up in a blanket sitting in the dark. "I was hoping I could have at least a little more time with you..." The Fury mumbled as I sat down next to her. "I know, but after we beat Hades, we won't have to-" She interrupted me. "We will not conquer the Lord of the Underworld! It is impossible!" The oldest sister blurted. "Come on, what happened to the cheery girl that wouldn't take that for an answer?" I asked patting her on the back. Suddenly, she slapped my arm away. "Do not touch me!" She ordered quivering. "Look, I understand why you're acting like this but you need to pull yourself together! If we're going to fight, then you can't be afraid of him!" I scolded. "I am not afraid of Lord Hades..." Alecto grumbled hiding her eyes. "Then what are you scared of?" I whispered grabbing her hand. I suddenly felt a drip hit the back of my hand. "You already know! I do not want to lose you! I am afraid of you not being there when I need someone to love me! I want you beside me forever!" She whimpered with water going down her face. "Alecto... I'm not leaving anytime soon. I swear on it." I promised holding her hand tighter. "You better not be lying..." The girl sniffled looking at me with teary eyes. I didn't say anything. I didn't have to, so I hugged her. She embraced me and cried softly and quietly into my collarbone. "I think this is the first time I've seen you cry." I informed the sobbing Fury. "I-I know... I..." She tried to explain. "It's alright, there's a first time for everything." I answered patting her back once more. "Come on, we need to rest up for tomorrow." I said picking up the tiny Fury and taking her to my room. Her sisters were still asleep somehow, but I managed to sneak back into bed and put Alecto on top of me. Before falling asleep, Megaera murmured that I did well...

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