Chapter XXVII

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It was sunset when we arrived at the oak tree. We searched the area for Hades, but he was nowhere to be seen. "This guy tells us not to make him wait and we got here before him!" Rita exclaimed throwing her arms in the air. "Just relax. That means he won't kill anyone." I sighed placing my hand on her shoulder. Suddenly, Neal strolled out from behind the tree. "Thanks for being so punctual. I'll ask one more time for my girls back and we can both walk away easily." He said approaching slowly. "Never!" I shouted. He stopped about ten feet away and sighed loudly. "Do you really want this?" Hades asked. "Anything is better than becoming yours once again!" Alecto screamed forming her Talons. "Oh Alecto... You're the cutest! You really are my favorite." He laughed pointing to the smallest sister. "Do not underestimate me!" The tiny girl demanded leaping towards him at a ridiculous speed. In an instant, Neal was holding the Fury up by her face. She was hanging limply as he crushed her with one hand. I took a step back, then Megaera ran to Hades with her claws. She swiped at him, but she was grabbed too. Hades was choking the middle sister in one hand and gripping the oldest one by her face. I didn't even notice Tisiphone leave my side, but she was trying to ambush Neal from the back with a leap attack. It looked like she was gonna land a hit but the youngest Fury was swatted from the air by Hades throwing Megaera into her. Then he slammed Alecto to the ground. "Are you not entertained? Is this not what you expected to see?" He yelled motioning to the fallen girls around him. I only glared at him because I was speechless. Before he could speak again, the Lord of the Underworld fell to his knee. Alecto slashed his ankle. "I am not that easy." She groaned standing up. "That's what I get for thinking you gave up. However, that's the last hit you'll get." He grumbled getting up. "You are a monster." She scowled brushing herself off. "Stop it with the name calling. It's not cute anymore." He replied cracking his knuckles. Rita and I stood at a distance wanting to help, but what could we do? "I feel so useless!" I said. "We can't do anything. We just need to stay back." Rita insisted. I fell to my knees. "I realize now, this really was their fight all along." I sighed watching as the other girl stood back up. "Ready for the next round?" Hades shouted. Immediately Megaera tried to slash him, but was avoided and harshly kicked away. The oldest sister pounced recklessly and was promptly smacked to the ground. "How pathetic..." Neal muttered standing over Alecto, who was face down. He stepped on her back and grabbed her arms. "I will break you." He chuckled quietly into her ear. Then there was a cry of complete agony that filled the air as he pulled her arms and forcefully bent her backwards. The girl wailed and screamed as he continued to pull. I covered my ears to avoid hearing her pain. Suddenly, Tisiphone tackled her former master and landed on top of him while he laid face down off of Alecto. The youngest Fury swiftly grabbed his hair and lifted his head up, then smashed it into the dirt. She repeated to slam his face rapidly and harder with each time. She was denting the ground more and more with every slam and I could feel the force of her hits from where I was standing more and more. After what seemed like minutes, Tisiphone took both her gauntlets and mashed them into the back of his head. She hesitated, but soon got off of the limp body of Neal and stumbled away. Her sisters ran to her side and we sat there in shock. The amount of rage Tisiphone held in her was astounding. "S-she... Really did it?" Rita gasped holding my hand fermily. I couldn't speak, I was amazed by what just happened. The youngest sister was then kicked down abruptly. "I'm through playing with you girls." Hades spat stepping on Tisiphone. He was now wearing a full suit of armor that matched the Furies', he even had the same Talons. "I created you and I will be your end!" He added digging his heel into her back and copying what she did to him a couple times. "Stop!" Alecto screamed throwing a punch. Her arm was caught inches from his face and she was spun around and tossed into the oak tree. The middle Fury clawed him the the back but he didn't even flinch. The Lord of the Underworld turned around slowly. "As for you, the mediocre sibling. Not as sexy as your younger sister and not as cute as your older sister... I consider you a failure." He laughed caressing the middle Fury's cheek. "Shut up!" Megaera screamed trying to swat him away. Hades then slapped her. "Beg for forgiveness now, and I might take you back." He informed. "I would rather die than go back with you!" She hissed trying to slash him again. "So be it." He replied dodging her attack and retaliating by driving his fist into her stomach. She coughed voliently and leaned forward from the hit. Hades then planted his knee into her face. Megaera was thrown on to her back and left in the dirt. Out of nowhere, Alecto jumped towards Hades from behind. There was a splash of blood, but then a ear piercing scream. Hades had picked up Megaera and used her as a shield, leaving four large gash marks across her belly. The oldest Fury gazed at her bloodied Talons as Hades threw Megaera down. "I guess you did have a use after all." He whispered kicking her to the side. "How dare you!" Alecto blurted launching herself at her former master with tears in her eyes again. Her attack was avoided again, and was grabbed by the leg and slammed into the ground. He swung her above his head and smashed her down once more. Neal looked around and laughed loudly. "Don't you understand!? You're fragments of me! My power! You girls won't win!" He cackled. I couldn't stand by and watch anymore. "Neal!" I yelled...

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