Chapter XXVIII

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"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?" He groaned turning to face Rita and I. "What did they do to deserve this!?" I yelled. "You mean these girls? Well, they ran away. They completely disobeyed my command, so they must be punished." Hades answered. "So you come and destroy them!?" I said pointing to the fallen Furies. "No, I only want to teach them to be good girls." He laughed. "You're an idiot." I spat quietly. "What was that?" He bellowed marching up to us. "I said you're an idiot!" I replied gritting my teeth. "I wasn't going to kill you since I truly do consider you a friend, don't make me change my mind." He demanded. "Fine, kill me. Life's not worth it if you take what's most precious to me." I muttered glaring at him. "Are you trying to say that my Furies are the most important thing to you?" The Lord of the Underworld chuckled looking down at me. I hesitated for a moment. "Lord Hades, may I ask one request?" I whispered clenching my fists. "Well since you asked so nicely, I might consider it... But that depends on the request." He answered. "Please... P-please let me take care of your girls!" I blurted loudly. "You think I'd just hand them over to you after I've come to get them? You've had enough time with them." He scoffed. "Why won't you just let them stay!? The girls obviously love him more than they ever loved you!" Rita blurted. "Silence!" Hades commanded. "No! The girls ran away for a reason! What's wrong with you!? Treating them like slaves and raping them! I hope you're proud of your status as the Lord of the Underworld, because you sure earned it." She continued seething with rage. There was a long pause. "Why should I leave them in your hands then...?" My former best friend asked without expression looking back to me. "Because I couldn't live without them!" I screamed with tears dripping down my face. "Neal! I'm begging you!" I added falling to my hands and knees. His armor vanished and he sighed. "Stand up." He ordered. I slowly rose and sniffled. "I will allow the girls to stay with you." He nodded silently. A huge smile appeared on my face. "But on one condition, I want my powers back." Hades continued walking towards the still unconscious girls. I watched as he grabbed each pair of Talons and crushed them with his own. The dust from the gauntlets then came to his.

"Listen, take better care of them than I did." Neal yawned. "Don't worry, we will." I nodded. He chuckled and started to walk away. "Wait!" I called. Hades turned around. "Thank you." I said holding out my hand. He stopped for a second, then slapped my hand. "I'll just find better ones anyway." He stated shaking my hand. "You do that." I nodded with a grin. He smiled and then walked away with a small wave.

I was wrapping up Megaera's wound when she woke up. "W-where is Lord Hades...?" She coughed. "He's gone. You're staying with me from now on." I mumbled finishing the knot on the makeshift bandage. I looked at the middle sister, and she looked down like she was about to cry. "Is that too tight!?" I panicked. She shook her head and tears started streaming down her cheeks, but she was smiling. Megaera sat up surprisingly quick and grabbed my face. "I love you." She weeped quietly. The girl then pulled me into a kiss and I held her close to return the favor. "Hey! Where are my Talons!?" Alecto wondered running to my side. "Where is-" I cut her off. "I'll explain later, why don't we get you girls cleaned up first though?" I suggested stopping the kiss with her sister.

We took Megaera to the hospital and told the other sisters the story. "So now we are just like you...?" Alecto asked looking at her hands. "It would seem so." Rita shrugged. "That... Is great!" The small girl exclaimed. "It is?" I questioned tilting my head. "Yes! Now I can-" We were interrupted by a doctor telling us Megaera would be fine after awhile at the hospital. He asked what happened and we simply said we were attacked by a bear... Again.

A week or so after the battle with Hades, we found ourselves sitting on the sofa like usual. "Hey Alecto, why were you so excited to not have your claws anymore? You never told us at the hospital." I yawned poking the girl on my lap. "Oh yes! I like it because we can finally be like regular mortals! It should be very interesting..." She answered bouncing. "Perhaps we could even become closer...?" The girl purred into my ear. I blushed heavily as Alecto stuck out her tongue playfully. "S-shut up! He's not allowed to get any closer to anyone but me!" Rita objected turning red too. "You were warned about this." Megaera laughed. "I can't decide! How cruel you are, fate!" I whined dramatically. The girls continued to argue playfully and Tisiphone snuggled closer under my arm.

"You never answered his question." Rita said looking out the window. "What?" I asked joining her at staring into the night sky. "Hades asked you if the girls were the most precious thing to you. Are they?" She murmured. "Of course they are. You too. You girls are the most important things in my life." I answered grabbing hold of her hand. "That's a good answer. I'm sure they feel the same way... And so do I." She chuckled. I looked at her and smiled. She noticed and asked what was wrong. "Nothing, I just loose track of time when we're together." I replied quietly. She grabbed my cheek and brought me close for a kiss. Then we left each other after a few moments and laughed a bit. "I'm sure we'll have some more adventures some day." Rita whispered leaning against me. "Probably." I agreed putting my hand around her waist. "But until then, let's just go to bed." She suggested kissing me on the cheek before walking to her room. I smiled again and did the same. I opened my door and saw the sisters asleep, leaving a space between them for me to join...

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