Year Seven

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Draco, Hermione and I decided to go back for our seventh year at Hogwarts. As of right now we are on platform 9 ¾ with my parents. "We always wanted to see you going to Hogwarts." Dad smiled and I smiled back. "Make sure you write to us." Mum said. "Every time I get the chance." I replied. "Got everything?" Dad asked and I nodded. "By the way, Narcissa and I will send you thing for the wedding." Mum told.

The whistle blew then I gave my parents one last hug. "Have a great year." Mum smiled. I smiled back then hugged dad and walked on the train. "I love you, princess!" Dad called after me. "I love you too, dad!" I called back. "Welcome, future Mrs. Malfoy." Draco smirked. "Good to be here." I smiled. "Come on, let's go find a compartment." He said then grabbed my hand and led the way. We found an empty compartment and put our luggage up then sat down.

Draco laid outstretched on the seat and rested his head on my lap. I started running my fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead. "Our mothers are going to send us things for the wedding, by the way." I said. "Can't wait till that day." Draco smiled up at me. "Speaking of which, what do you want the main color to be?" "Maybe a blush color." I said. "I just want it to be in winter." "Why's that?" Draco questioned.

"Because that's when we had our first kiss." I replied and he smiled. He went up and kissed me passionately. Draco sat up not breaking the kiss then wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around his neck and pulled him closer. "Y/n Potter is this way!" We heard someone beam. Draco quickly got up then closed the compartment door then locked it. A lot of students were outside the door asking for pictures and autographs. "It's Draco Malfoy!" Another beamed then everyone got more excited.

"Why are they wanting to get my autographs?" Draco questioned. Just then Storm flew up to the  window with the daily prophet. I grabbed it then read it aloud. "Draco Malfoy: A Hero." I read. "Draco Malfoy healed wounded witches and wizards during the Battle of Hogwarts. Sources say that he was giving information from the inside of Voldemort's inner circle to the Potters during their hunt for horcruxes. Not only did he do that but he also saved Y/n Potter, his now fiancé, from being killed by a deatheater when she was being taken to a safe house. Harry Potter commented 'Throughout the war I saw Draco Malfoy in a different perspective. He was loyal to us and fought on our side.' So to end all debates, he was strong, loyal, and brave and still is to this day. This Slytherin prince is a hero in many different ways. I can speak for all when I say that we are looking forward to Draco Malfoy's and Y/n Potter's wedding day."

"You're a hero, Draco." I smiled. Draco was shocked as more people started to come. "I don't know how I feel about this." Draco said. "Salvio hexia, Silencio." I casted on the door. It darkened so that we couldn't see the people on the outside and they couldn't see or hear us. "Now we don't have to deal with them." I said. "Wow, you're beautiful." Draco smirked and I giggled. We sat back down and went back to the position we were in before talking about our wedding for most of the train ride.

"We should probably get into our robes." I said. "But there's still people outside." Draco replied. "Then we'll change in here." "Together?" Draco smirked. "Behave yourself." I joked smirking. We got our clothes from our luggage then started changing. Once we finished we sat back down and went back to planning the wedding. The whistle went off and we got off the train and Draco got our things. "Y/n!" I heard then turned to see Chris, Ruby, Micaela and Celeste. I beamed then gave them all a hug.

"Why didn't you tell me you all were coming back?" I smiled. "Wanted it to be a surprise." Chris replied. We all got on the carriage and went to Hogwarts. We were all in the great hall and watched the first years get sort. Once that was done the feast began and everyone ate up. Once everyone was done  and Draco and I caught up with our friends. "How is it being engaged?" Ruby asked.

"Fantastic, we already started planning for the wedding." I smiled. "You and Micaela are gonna be my bridesmaids." "Cool." Micaela beamed. "And Celeste can you make the food?" I asked. "Yes!" She glowed. "Chris, you're gonna be one of my groomsmen while Blaise will be the other." Draco said and Chris nodded. "What will you go by, are you taking his last name?" Celeste questioned. "I'm gonna be Mrs. Y/n Malfoy." I told. "You should be Potter-Malfoy." Draco suggested.

"What?" I replied. "You should show off being a Potter and a Malfoy, be proud of both. Besides, Y/n Potter-Malfoy has a nice ring to it." Draco clarified. "Y/n Potter-Malfoy, that actually does sound nice." I smiled and he smiled back. "Your attention." McGonagoll said getting everyone's attention. "First off, I am to announce that I will fill the post of headmaster since the previous one retired."

Everyone cheered as Mcgonagoll, "Will Draco Malfoy and Y/n Potter take a moment to chat?" Draco and I got up and everyone went back to their conversation. "What is it, headmistress?" I asked. "You and Draco are the new head boy and girl of Hogwarts." McGonagoll smiled. "You deserve it." "Thank you, professor McGonagoll." Draco smiled. She gave us our pins then we went back to our table. "What did she want?" Celeste asked. "We're the new head boy and girl of Hogwarts." Draco answered. "Cool, you guys get to have a room to yourselves." Ruby said.

"Which is good because you both are famous now and you'll probably get bombarded with fans in the common room." Chris joked and we all laughed. After the feast Draco and I went to our room. Draco opened the door to reveal our room.

 Draco opened the door to reveal our room

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(Pretend it's silver instead of gold)

"Wow." I gasped in awe. "I know." Draco replied then closed the door. We unpacked quickly then got ready for bed. "It's strange, doesn't it?" I said staring at the ceiling then at Draco. "I mean, it's a different feeling. Going to bed without worries of a big snake paralyzing us, or someone trying to kill us, or a dark mark hurting you arm." I caressed Draco's arm that had the scar where his dark mark was. "We don't have to worry anymore." I smiled kissing Draco softly.

"We're free," Draco smiled. "Good night, my always." "Good night, my always." I smiled back then we both drifted off to sleep.

Was it everything you were hoping for? If not, I'll do better. It gets better as I edit them. I hoped you liked it!

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