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Authors note: I have chosen Iwan Rheon to be Hayden because I thought of no one better to play a sadistic asshole. If you don't know already he is in Game of Thrones as a very sadistic messed up person in there. In this story, he won't be as bad.

 In this story, he won't be as bad

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"You are the definition of pathetic!" He screams at me as he enters my room, getting closer with every step he takes

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"You are the definition of pathetic!" He screams at me as he enters my room, getting closer with every step he takes. I slowly start to back away from him. "You have no purpose in this world and you are just a waste of space. How could you think that anyone would want to deal with your pathetic ass let alone actually care." He shoves me against the wall, pinning me with no possible escape. I let out a small whimper as he wraps his hand around my neck. I try to escape his grasp but it's no use, his grip is too tight for me to getaway.

He leans forward brushing his lips against my ear and whispers "No one cares and no one will ever care for you. You are alone now and you will always be alone." He slowly tightens his grip around my neck and moves his body closer to mine. My eyes begin to water due to the pain and lack of oxygen. "Even if you were to find someone that would date you, they would get bored with your boring ass personality and that flat chest of yours." He says brushing his lips against my neck and squeezing my boob roughly with his other hand. He finally lets go of my neck causing me to drop to the ground gasping for air that I so desperately need. He stands there watching me for a moment struggling to catch my breath before he turns and walks out of my room.

My life wasn't always like this, I didn't use to have this negativity lurking every corner I turn. That is until my mother remarried and I was forced into a new "family". A family with a new stepfather and stepbrother. Kit was very nice and he treats my mother well. He has been the only good guy my mother has had a relationship with since my father. Now Hayden on the other hand, he's a monster. He treats me like dirt beneath his feet, like a disease that can't be treated. He only gets violent when the parents aren't home. When the parents are home he acts like an angel and pretends to like me, which is utter bullshit. He hates my guts and I have no fucking clue as to why he hates me so much. Maybe he hates his dad being married to my mother. I've asked him why he hates me so much and he always answers back with "I hate pathetic people who waste my time and don't deserve the oxygen that they are breathing." Now, these comments are pretty normal for him to say to me. I have yet to get used to his constant hate and insults. So far I've had to deal with him for a year.

My mother has been in a relationship with Kit for 2 years now. The reason for me not hanging out with Kit or Hayden before she got married is because I didn't want to meet another abusive man my mother decided to get with. But Kit is different, he's nice. Which makes no sense as to why his child acts like a monster.

My sadistic step brotherWhere stories live. Discover now