9. Just a Little Taste

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Warning!: there will be a sexual scene in this chapter. If you don't wanna read such filthy things then leave now! If you like these kind of chapters then carry on. ;)

The events from last night replayed through my mind over and over again, going through every detail there was. I was exhausted, for I had not slept at all last night. My thoughts kept me from getting any rest. My morning bell starts to ring for me to get ready for school. I turn it off and stare at the ceiling, letting out a deep sigh.

I had no intentions of getting out of bed, or going to school today. I wasn't in the mood to get pushed around today. I'd rather just lay in bed all day and suffer through my mothers long lecture of me missing school.

After 15 minutes of just staring at the ceiling, a soft knock was heard upon my door. My attention turns to the door slowly opening and Hayden's head peeking in.

"Get your lazy ass up already!" He demands as soon as he sees me laying in bed.

I see no trace of the events that had occurred last night evident in his facial features. It's as if it didn't happen, just pushed off to the side.

I groan, rolling my eyes in my confused frustration. I pull the blankets over my head so I didn't have to look at him. "I'm not going to school today." I mumble burying my face into my blankets.

"And why's that?" Footsteps near my bed stopping at the edge.

"I didn't get any sleep last night." I roll onto my side, back facing him.

"Not my problem, now get the fuck up before I dump water on you."

I abruptly sit up throwing the covers off of me. "You are truly unbelievable!" I yell; not worrying about my tone of voice due to both our parents early work schedules. "I can't believe that you would come here and do that to me then act like nothing ever happened!" I get up and walk towards the smug asshole, pointing at him accusingly.

"Hey, you can't even deny that you didn't like it." The space between us is little and I can feel his body heat radiating from him. He steps a bit closer and grabs my face between his long, slim fingers. "I heard the noises that you made when I kissed you in the right spots." He whispers into my ear. He nibbles on my earlobe, making chills run down my spine. "I know that when I left you last night that your body was aching for my touch." His other hand slithers down my side and puts the tips of his finger just inside of my underwear, snapping the elastic band slightly. "Is this what you want?" He asks slipping his hand into my underwear, circling his finger over my clit.

I gasp, jolting from the sudden contact. Sparks shoot through my body as the pleasure continues. He pulls my face closer to his and places a light kiss onto my lips. His wet tongue slides over my bottom lip, leaving a wet streak. He pulls away from me and backs away to observe my sexually frustrated state.

I release a shaky breathe and look at him. My desires have never been this extreme. I wanted him to touch me, touch every part of my body. I wanted him to make me squirm under his touch . I wanted him to make me feel things that I never had before. I squeeze my legs together and look away from him. Trying to rid my mind of the dirty thoughts, I sit down in my bed and fumble with my hands. I didn't understand these sexual desires I have for Hayden. I hate him but yet I want to do things with him that I never wanted to do with anyone else. I never wanted anything sexual with anyone. My sex drive was nonexistent until Hayden.

Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't notice Hayden kneeling in front of me until he laid his hands on my thighs, making me jump slightly. He scoots closer and grabs my legs, pulling me closer.

"W-what are you doing?!" I squeak out in shock.

He ignores my question and grabs my pajama bottoms, pulling them down slowly. I grab the top of my pajamas stopping his movements. He growls at my actions and swats my hand away roughly. My pale legs lifting to let him pull them off my feet. He moves closer to me and lowers his head down.

Soft kisses are placed onto my inner thighs. "Lie down." He says between kisses.

I obey and lay down on my soft bed. He nips at the soft skin of my thighs, licking then sucking at the flesh. Slowly he makes his way up closer and closer to my wet p.ussy, until he finally reaches it. Jet black, lacy underwear is the only thing that separates his mouth from my heat. He kitten licks the soft fabric, the actions cause me to let out little moans and whimpers. His fingers slide gently up my inner thighs, reaching the newly dampened material. He removes his tongue and replaces it with his fingers, rubbing and circling my sensitive skin. The movements stop causing me to look down at him. A smirk plays on his lips as he looks at me.

"Why'd you stop?" My voice is raspy and my breathing is uneven.

He licks his lips before speaking, "I want to hear you beg for it. Beg for me to touch you. I know that you want to."

"P-please." I stutter out.

"Please what?"

"Please touch me, make me feel good." I squirm a little as he grips my thigh roughly.

"No. I want you to call me master. Call me master my little slave."

"Master please." I beg, my body burns from pure desire and want.

"That's more like it." His eyes grow darker.

He grips the elastic band with his teeth and starts to pull them down. He throws them to the side and places my legs over his shoulders, wrapping his arms around my waist. His wet tongue runs up my lips until he finds my clit. His tongue circles it then he starts to suck on the swollen nub. A moan escapes my mouth as the pleasure surges through my body. Kitten licking on my clit, he inserts one finger and starts to stroke me. My body heats up and the pleasure increases as another finger enters.

He thrusts his fingers faster inside of me, pushing them in farther and hitting my g-spot.

"Oh my god!" I cry out. "Right there! Right there!" My legs start to shake and my back arches. He curls his fingers which pushes me over the edge, sending me into my first orgasm. "Holy Fuck!" Gasping for air, I look down to see Hayden licking his fingers with a smug look on his face.

"Now wasn't that nice?" His famous smirk crosses his face again, butterflies fill my stomach. "I've got to go but I will see you tonight my little slave." He winks at me then leaves my room, closing the door behind him.

I flop back down letting out an exaggerated sigh. Well this is going to be a very exciting and torturous journey.

Hello everyone :) how are you all? Hope you guys are enjoying my very poorly written story XD
Any thoughts or suggestions? If so just comment. I know that I haven't been posting that much (mainly cuz I don't have internet at my house still :/ but that's besides the point) I will try to start posting more when I have the chance.

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