17. Mother I'm Moving

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Important Authors note at the bottom. Oh and just a heads up there will be some violent content in this chapter. You have been warned!

The morning light shines through my window, waking me from my slumber. I stir in my bed, rolling onto my side and picking up my phone. The time shows 8 a.m. and I groan rubbing my eyes. I wish I could sleep in more, considering it is the weekend. I lay there and stare at my wall, thinking about how I would tell my mother I'm moving out. It is her day off so I'll just sit her down and tell her. Simple as that, right?

I stretch before getting up and grabbing some clothes to go shower. I pass through the hallway with my head down and of course I run into Hayden.

"Do you ever watch where you're going?" He grumbles as he pushes me to the side. I hear his door slam shut and I proceed to walk to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it for good measures.

I slowly undress then take a gander at myself in the mirror. My eyes wander from my face to my neck and I observe the marking on my neck. I brush my fingers over it lightly, leaning forward to get a better look at it. My face falls looking at the purple bruise. I back away from the mirror letting out a loud sigh.

Unlocking my phone I open pandora. I turn on my speaker and music starts to play. Join us For a Bite by J.T. Music starts to fill the quiet space of the bathroom. Sounds of water cascading into the tub soon can be heard as I turn the knobs to the shower. The water heats up to the temperature I desire and I get into the steamy shower, the hot water pelts my back as I stand there. I tilt my head back and let the water run down my head and into my long locks of hair. The soothing water calms my stressed nerves.

After my long shower I decide to get out and get dressed, combing out my hair. My wet curls dangle past my shoulders and I smile down at the long strands. I love my wavy, curly, mess of hair. I have been growing it out for years, not cutting it at all. I've spent a lot of time taking care of it, wether it is brushing it or putting hair masks in to soak. I've spent more money on my hair than anything else, I've never dyed it and I've stopped using things like hairdryers and other things that damages my hair.

My brush runs through my hair, detangling any knots. I place my brush back onto the counter and gather my dirty clothes into the laundry basket. I walk out of the room and head down stairs, I look at my phone to see a message from Whiskey. I smile and open the message.

W: Hey I was wondering if you want to hang out after I get off of work at 2.

I stop at the bottom of the stairs looking around for my mother. Sounds of the tv are barely heard from where I'm standing.

M: Um I'll have to see. I'm going to tell my mother about my plans of moving out.

I send the message and make my way to the living room. When I enter I see my mother sitting on the coach with papers scattered across the coffee table. She holds a note book and writing something down while looking at her laptop. Orange is The New Black plays on the tv as she drowns herself in her work.

I clear my throat to no surprise she continues with her work. I clear my throat again but louder this time grabbing her attention.

"Hey sweetheart, sorry I'm just writing some notes down for my course." She looks back at her computer and writes more.

"Mom..." I pause waiting for her to look at me. She reluctantly peels her gaze from her laptop to me. "We have to talk." I walk towards her sitting down on the coach beside her.

She looks at me with a curios gaze and removes her laptop and notebook from her lap onto the table. "Yes dear?"

"I uh...." I bite my lip trying to think of a way to say it. "I'm moving out." I quickly blurt out.

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