19. Monday

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The weekend went by slowly as I packed my things waiting for Monday to come. After packing, I had time to think about all of the events that have been happening between Hayden and me. I am finally going to get away from the abuse I suffer through at home. Although I am scared to see how the abuse continues at school. Will it get worse, or will he finally leave me alone? Hopefully it will be the second, but I highly doubt it. The thing is I am scared to do anything about his abuse. I've tried to tell people, I've tried to fight back, but it gets worse if I do. He has punished me for speaking up or even telling him to stop. When the abuse had first started it was all mental and emotional abuse, but then when he started to get physically abusive I tried to tell my mother, but he didn't like that one bit. He had overheard me trying to tell my mother but he walked in and interrupted me when I started to tell her. He knows what to do and say to have his father and my mother believe him over me. He has them wrapped around his little finger. When mother left that day after me reaching out for help, he beat me. I had bruises all over my legs, arms and stomach. He made sure that the bruises could be hidden and told me if I ever tried to tell someone again he would break my jaw.

After that I stopped trying to reach out, I never talked about what I go through. I acted like everything was ok. After Kylie moved to Japan he broke me even more. He would remind me over and over again of how I will be alone forever and everyone I care about will end up leaving me, just Luke Kylie did, he would tell me this every chance he got. He made it to where I didn't believe in myself, he made me hate myself.

At times it got so bad that I would cut myself everyday for a week, then I would have to stop because my legs couldn't handle anymore cuts. Then I would wait for them to all be healed, then repeat the process. I never cut my arms because I didn't want anyone to ask about them, I didn't want people to look at me and visibly see how broken I am. The last time I had cut was before school started. I surprised myself when I stopped cutting. I didn't feel the need to do it anymore. I still have the blades hidden away in my jewelry box. I made the jewelry box with a fake bottom so I could store them away from the eyes of people. The abuse made me cut more as the days went on.

How could I of let this go so far? I should have stopped him in the beginning, I should of told him to stop instead of brushing it off my shoulder.

Monday morning couldn't of come fast enough. School passed by slowly as I impatiently waited for my classes to end. Each one seeming longer than the last. Hayden didn't bother messing with me today. He payed attention to his work or the various girls in class. How am I still surprised by the things that he does? I should be glad that he isn't paying attention to me. Take this chance to focus on passing your classes. Yes, I will do just that.

The last bell finally rang, students rush put into the crowded hallway to get to their cars. I slowly put away my woodworking supplies. I gather my things and walk out of the class, spotting Hayden immediately. Leaning against the wall staring at me with fire in his eyes. His arms folded tightly across his chest. I gulp, my eyes dart around the hallway for Whiskey. But to no avail he is nowhere in sight. I hesitantly start to walk down the hallway. Out of the corner of my eye I see him push off of the wall, slowly catching up to me.

"Oh I hope that you didn't forget about me, my little slut of a slave." He wraps his arm around my shoulder leaning on me as I walk. I shrug his arm off of me and say nothing. "What? Cat got your tongue?" He chuckles for a second before growling at me and grabbing my hair, stopping me in my tracks. "Don't fucking ignore me you fucking bitch!" He spits in my face. He face is contorted in anger, snarling down at me. I whimper as he pulls down on my hair making me face him. "Mmmm I'm going to have some fun with you when I get home." He whispers in my ear nipping at my ear before yanking down on my hair then releasing it in one motion. Making me fall to the ground, a yelp of pain escapes my mouth and echoes through the hallway. The lingering students glance at me before continuing their conversations. "Forget it, I'll have fun with someone who actually knows how to please a man. Plus I don't know why I would even touch your nasty scarred body." He looks down at me before scoffing and walking away. Tears run down my face as I run my hand over the sensitive skin of my scalp. I pick myself of brushing off my legs then wiping my tears away. I close my eyes and take a shaky breathe calming my nerves. After a few deep breathes I walk out to the parking lot where Whiskey awaits for me by his crimson red Jeep.

"You ready to move out of that hell hole?" He chuckles walking a few steps closer to me.

"I was born ready." I awkwardly laugh rubbing my hand through my hair.

"Let's get to it then." He smiles at me and walks to his Jeep.

I get into my car and drive to my house. I back into the driveway and pop the trunk and get out. Whiskey parks in front of the house and gets out. I take a deep breathe before going inside. He follows behind me following me to my bedroom. It doesn't take to long before all of my things are packed in the two cars. I say my goodbyes to my mother and Kit. I glance at Hayden, I smirk at him. His face soon fills with anger and his eyes burn holes into me. I hug my mother and walk out of the house, making sure to look at Hayden before closing the door.

A big smile covers my face as I walk towards my car. Change is in the air, and I love it.


Hello everyone! How is everyone doing? I hope that your day has been good. Jade is finally getting out of her mothers house and away from Hayden's grip. How do you think Hayden will treat her at school now that he can't have as much control over her. What do you guys think is in Jade's future? Will it be a happy ending, or will it end in tragedy? I guess you will find out when I get that far XD

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

Much love,

My sadistic step brotherWhere stories live. Discover now