8. From One Nightmare to Another

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Warning!: Very graphic sexual content in this chapter. There are some forced sexual favors in this chapter. If this bothers you then leave now. You have been warned! XD

Sweat pours down my face as I try to calm myself down. Fear, anxiety, and adrenaline are coursing through my veins, clouding my judgment. My back is against the wall and my breathing picks up when I hear a blood curdling scream come from the other side of the pitch black alley way. Footsteps follow the scream making their way closer and closer to me. A tall figure can be seen moving towards me causing my heartbeat to beat even faster. The fear is so intense that it makes me sick to the stomach. All I could do was stand there waiting for the end because there was no escape, I was trapped. The figure is only a few steps away from me and a dim light shows his face, Hayden. He has an evil grin that masks his face, his eyes are pitch black. A flash of silver  catches my eyes as his brings his hand back. A knife, covered in blood, is tightly gripped in his hand. The next thing I know he is swinging it down to stab me.

I scream as I sit up in my bed. Hot tears pour down my cheeks as I breathe heavily, trying to look around at my surroundings. As I calm down more I realize that it was just a nightmare.

The door to my room opens and my mother rushes in along with Kit. "Jade! Jade are you ok?!" She asks panicked. Running to my side. Kit searches the room with a bat ready to swing at anything that moves. Once he's done, he turns to walk towards me and my mother, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah I'm fine," I sigh, wiping my face of the tears. "it was just a nightmare." I run my hand through my sweat filled hair, trying to untangle my rats nest.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks in a concerned voice.

"Nah I think I'm good." I give her a small smile. "Thanks though."

"Ok." She says before giving me a tight hug. "Goodnight sweetheart." Kit stands up and walks out of the room. I see my mothers retreating figure before the door is closed and darkness fills my room once again.

My door creaks open again and a figure enters the room. "Mom I said I was fine." I say laying back down.

The figure walks over to my bed before kneeling down beside me. "Who said I was your mother." Hayden's raspy voice whispers into my ear.

I squeak from fear, starting to slowly crawl back on my bed. He grabs my legs and pulls me closer to him. He proceeds to crawl on top of me wrapping his large hand around my neck. My hands shoot up to pry his hand away from my neck, my efforts fail when he tightens his grips. He grabs my hands with his left hand and pins them above my head.

"You know," he brings his head down to whisper in my ear. Chills run down my body as I feel his lips rub against my neck, his hot breathe spreads over my skin like fire. "before your loud ass scream woke me up I was having a wonderful dream. A dream that had you sucking my cock and obeying my every single fucking command." He grinds his hips down onto me, my eyes widening as I feel his hard member pressed against my leg, I gulp in fear.

Oh god what the fuck is happening. Tears start to brim the surface of my eyes, threatening to spill over. He starts to kiss my jaw making me whimper. I struggle to get free making him groan and grind against me more.

"Fuck" he bites my neck slightly making me gasp and jump under his touch. "I want those pretty little lips of yours to be wrapped around my cock." He whispers in my ear placing small kisses on my neck, a small whimper escapes my mouth.

He releases my wrists and places his hand on my cheek. I flinch away and he lets out a sigh. The grip around my neck tightens again. Pain shoots through my neck and I try to grab his hand to remove it when he grabs my left wrist. He starts to pull my hand down, inching lower and lower.

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